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Evil Kyle SP skin


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I've throw together a nasty lookin kyle skin for SP use. It's really just a reskin of the excellent darkkyle/lordkatarn skins by jepman with bits of jedi trainer. All I made was one tattooed arm. I've stuck it on my website so a couple of my mates could d'load it...so if you want it be quick it won't be there long.


here's a pic:



and the skin:


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Originally posted by SEPtIc cHiLD

oh the swastika, I dunno I like to put weird crap on me skins sometimes...eh, no need to start crying...stay calm man.

It doesn't bother me, per se... I just don't think it fits with SW.


At all.


I would have said the same thing if there was a Mountain Dew logo on his chest.

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aww FuShanks just go fck yourself per se.


It's a skin I threw together in 10 mins or so that came out lookin ok. Just thought as long as I had it up on me site I'd let anyone d'ld it who wanted it. I didn't post it on here for critical fcking appraisal.


And yes I had noticed that there weren't any nazis in Star Wars, it's meant to look odd, I like odd. Get a life. Fck me, mountain dew.

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In fact, George Lucas' idea for the Galactic Empire was inspired by the Nazis. If you read some of the expanded universe books, you'll see the Empire is full of racism and other characteristics of the Nazi 'empire'.


Anyway, I agree this Hakenkreuz sh*t doesn't fit with JK2. :koon:

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1 to the last post umm DUHHHHHHH of cors it is that altered coz in the first post about the actual skin its says this is basicaly an alteration of jepmans skin wow i din think ppl were that dense as to not read the post did you jsut click on the link by chance




2 aside form the nazi symbol (which i hate a s amtter of principal) its a kewl as looking skin man keep up the work septic luved ya darth maul skins:) and if you odnt like the symbol (like me) change it for gods sake and if you dont have the know how to change skins get off your ass and learn ad quit bnitchign if you cant be bothered doing thta then you shouldnt be postin here anyways :)


as alwasy be kewl all


and septic once again nice work do a post sometime of all your skins coz you don a nice job:)

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If you read what I wrote before, I must tell you I was mad when I wrote it. I will ask kindly to remove this skin from the internet, because you never had permission to use or alter my skin, I stated on my site you needed permission to use it for your stuff, so please remove the links, or I will have to see the obligation to contact the forum admins.

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