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Hint brushes


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Originally posted by twoshadows

Vorax- I think you may be wrong about that - use r_showtris 1

on any q3 map and watch entities ( rocket launchers, ammo, health packs ) show up EVERYWHERE - even in portals all the way on the other side of the map. That's why going entity crazy will always bring up r_speeds.


I've seen it myself...but who knows, maybe they changed that in the engine for JO.


It doesn't happen in my maps. If you have an open map, it will do that, becuase the vis process can't do much to help it. Like Q3 space maps. Try looking at a q3 map that has walls and halls. You won't see everything, just stuff in the portals being drawn. As you walk along, you will start to see new entities being drawn as you reach a point where the portal is considered visible.


If Q3 didn't do that, r_speeds would exceed limits just on the entities alone in larger maps. A typical sized map has between 25-50 entities between weapons, health, models, etc....a typical entity has around 100 - 500 polys. That would mean that a nicely entified maps r_speeds, could run 2500-25000 just on the entities without counting the map itself. Basically, the game would be unplayable after the brushes and shaders. That is why Q3 space maps have less entities and less brushes and why Q3 engine games in general aren't good at handling outdoors maps becuase they count on vis to get rid of the entities and brushes, but that means you need walls.


Other things: If you didn't do a full vis compile or your vis is not working (caused by seems where structural brushes touch, or incorrect detailing, or tansparent things like windows in walls, etc..), it will do that and you will see all.


- Vorax

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Originally posted by [LoRD]RaoulHooD

I tried to cover the rotating brushes with hint brushes, but it didn't seem to make any difference... I'm not sure if they should completely cover them, be inside them, or half and half... I think I might just take them out altogether, they're not a necessity, I just thought it would be cool to get hit by a couple of fan blades on the way to a falling death.


That won't help. You need solid, structural brushes to actually block vis. Hint brushes create more portals, but they do not block vis. That last statement may be hard to understand.


Try reading SmallPileofGibs (SPoG..the living ledgend) compile explanation to better understand what is going on. SPoGs explanation of the compilation process is text book and should be considered mandatory reading by all mappers. I can't stess that enough! ;)


TO EVERYONE: This link is perhaps the most important mapping text you will ever read:






- Vorax

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