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hope you will release the tutorial by the time i manage to get my katana into the game


wanna see my trenchcoat kyle using it...

hmm... need shades.. akimbo guns... kungfu.. and some NY backalley maps :D

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Any chance you could gimme a hand, monkey? Even after applying the 'Skin' modifer and setting all of the envelopes correctly, I get this error when I try to compile it in assimilator:



Bone "rd_eff" not found

Bone "rd2_eff" not found

Bone "rd3_eff" not found

Bone "rd4_eff" not found

Bone "rd5_eff" not found

Bone "rrarm_eff" not found

Bone "ld1_eff" not found

Bone "ld2_eff" not found

Bone "ld3_eff" not found

Bone "ld4_eff" not found

Bone "ld5_eff" not found

Bone "lhand_tag_bone" not found

Bone "lhand_tag_eff" not found

Bone "larm_eff" not found



I've gone through the model and found each of those bones and redid the weighting, but it still didn't fix the problem. any ideas?

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well I've had some weighting problems with the skin modifier. I've applied it to bones adn its coloured the verts - but then when I've moved the skeletan to test the deformation the part I've just weighted doesnt react at all.

Well I'm no expert using the skin modifier at all, but-


Bone "rd_eff" not found

Bone "rd2_eff" not found

Bone "rd3_eff" not found

Bone "rd4_eff" not found

Bone "rd5_eff" not found

Bone "ld1_eff" not found

Bone "ld2_eff" not found

Bone "ld3_eff" not found

Bone "ld4_eff" not found

Bone "ld5_eff" not found


as I'm sure you know they are the fingers.

The other _eff parts are what I beleive to be extra bones to control the hand.


Anyway try to delete them and export it, thats my advice. none of them are particularly important bones and they shouldnt affect it. Assimilate seems to be very temprimental - sometimes I get weird errors and other times it allows me to actually create my model.



cant help anymore than that.

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np cheshire, I just mailed you back. I'm going to have another go testing the weightings again tomorrow. Its painfully slow _ and soul destroying work. :(

I enjoy building models, infact I love it.. but doing this is just such a bastard. I'm gonna go hunt for a good tutorial on using envelopes with the skin modifier, maybe that can help speed things up.

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Got your Email. Things are going well now, but I gotta get to bed now. Been having some work troubles, but if things go badly it looks like I'll have some more Skinning Time this week. Hmmmmmmmmmmm.


Anyways, I understand what you are saying about soul destroying work. Anytime I work on a part of a model that is more technical than creative I get very very weak.........


Keep up the good work, and thanks for catering to me. Model looks much better now.

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Guest seantree

great work as usual spacer. /me makes a note to place a thank you to space in the readme file :)

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Congratulations, spacermonkey! And thanks a TON for the tutorials.

Hope you don't mind me getting ahead of them a little and asking you this:

I'm trying to Assimilate my model (to be sure I'm on track up to this point). However I keep getting an error saying there's more than one Model_root or Mesh_root in my file. I've checked and double, triple, and quadruple checked and there is most definitely not more than one model_root or mesh_root. Any suggestions?

Again, THANKS!!!

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