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Need help. laser walls, walkthroug walls, sky,.....


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I looked at all of the threads on this site that might help me and still I don't know how to make a sky. I need step-by-step help. I am currently working on a level and it has a huge window. I want that window to be looking into space.


How do you make those walls that you can walk through?


How do you make those blue laser walls that you see in the game like when you first meet Lando and can you turn them on and off with a button?


When your on the Doomgiver in the game there is this time you can control a weapon thats in different location and you can shoot around with it. I want one of those in my level. Is it possible?


I hope to make my sp level into a mp level. In one thread, someone sugested somewere on the lines to make a prefab of your level, change your project settings to mp, then load the prefab. I think you would have to remake some entities agian but I will worry about that when i'm done with my map. I wonder if that gun on the doomgiver would work in multi.

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oh yeah, and about the sky........ok ill walk you through it


1. assuming its an outdoor map, create a huge box around the map


2.hollow the map


3.click textures -> skies


4.make sure "include shaders" is checked


5. shaders are the things in the textures window with green and black squares, or blue and black


6. as a sample....pick Yavin as shader


7.paint it on the box just as you would a texture


8.in game it shows up as checker looking....load the map in game, and it is a sky!


good luck

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I tried the step by step info and it still didn't work. I applyed the yavin shader and it didn't work in the game but it was blue checkers in the editor. I also tried the stars shader because thats the one I want and it still didn't work. In the game it was like the brush wasn't even there. I don't know what the problem would be. thanx anyways.


Anybody: I still need to know how to make a walkthrough wall for some secrets on my level. Don't sugest another way to hide something, just tell me how to make the wall.

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Hey, I tried making a forcefield bridge in one of my maps by making a brush and tying it to func static, but it showed up as a regular bridge. do i need to select a certain texture for it to show up like it did with Lando?

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i don't know what the static entity has to do with anything. you can throw a lightsaber through it. you can make a regular wall with the forcefield shader assigned to it. I want it so that you can press a switch that will shut it off and on. If you can do this with a regular wall than it will work because it's like just another texture.


I still really really want to know how to make a wall you can walk throug and get my sky working.

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not sure about the wall but wat does your sky look like when you test it is it the same small pic repeated over and over again if so your not useign a shader shaders are the textures or cheackered things that have a white line around them

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Make sure you read my previouse messages. I said I tried the sky shaders. Can't figure out why it can't work. Can someone make a working sky and send me the map so I can see for myself.




If you send me something, make a subject compleatly in caps because i get a lot of junk mail.

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