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i'm bored


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geez i'm so bored... well later tonight i'm gonna start to recreate the Morpheus map from UT for JK2. should be lots of shibby fun, and if you all know what map I'm talkin about, you'll be happy to see it come to the Q3 engine. It's a killer map with three super-tall towers in space. in ut it's low-grav. i doubt that the low grav will be carried over cuz of force jump. anyways, should have some prelim screenshots soon. :D




*i might also be redoing some q3 and hl maps for jk2 as well, such as Bootcamp or Crossfire :D *

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who said i was planning on releasing it? i just wanna play it with my friends :p


i'm really just doing it as a challenge to see if i can recreate it. it's about the only ut map that doesn't have ut special junk in it architecture-wise and i think it'd be rather shibby to play on with my buds. so no it's not gonna be released released, but thanks for the legal warning. i may contact epic about it to see in case i do eventually want to release it.



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as long as its not exactly identical which it cant end up being since hes making it from scratch....there wont be an issue with legality...as far as i can remember you cant be sued for similarities....It wont be the exact same map...just simillar..

Volrathxp...go on with you bad self.....cant wait to check it out.

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its ok i succeeded in doing it with a script a while back:)


i shoulda said so on this thread but i sorta forgot lol


luke is basis for the stats of the first jedi you fight in my level and he kicks major ass


im thinking of dropping his health down a bit because the fight goes for too bleedin' long



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Dude, Morpheus would ROC in JK2. Since most of the game takes place in the air, it would basically eliminate the pure efectiveness of the flak cannon and repeater and make people use the sabers more (though I remember landing with a fully loaded 8-ball launcher could do some mean dammage to an opponent, Kamakazi killing sprees rock :D )


However what I would REALLY like to see is a facing worlds clone :o


(yes, I know, that smile looks really bad :D )

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