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having problem with cheats in mp. help wanted.


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ok before you open up the flame cannon, lemme just say its a private server for me and a frend or 2, ok?


ok heres the deal, all we want is the lightstaff, but 'devmap dual_crosswalks' (that is the map we want) is not working. the server i am useing is a non-ded, pure server. if pure server is off will it work?


cant deside what i am doing wrong... any help, or ideas would be very w00t-a-matic:D

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I think you need to add something to the mapname.

'devmap dual_crosswalks' should be something like

'devmap ffa/dual_crosswalks'. I don't have a list of levels avaiable right now so I can't say for sure.


What error message (if any) do you get when you type 'devmap dual_crosswalks'


The "pure server' option only makes sure everyone is running the same version of the game/mods. It's supposed to help prevent cheating but I don't think it's the problem in this case. Can't hurt to try it though...

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