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Looking for an Expierenced Clan...


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I'm right now playing on FFA servers to get my skill even more better then I am. I play all maps thought, FFA, CTF, Duels, etc. Anyways I'm looking for a clan that is very active and very competitive in ladder matches. I would like to hope I'd be good enough for those ELITE teams. Here are some screenshots that I can actually play I am no talk.

You can also see me play on the Vancouver FFA server




http://hybryd.homestead.com/files/shot0004.jpg This pic is not me winning nobody can win always;)


http://hybryd.homestead.com/files/shot0008.jpg owning in 9 minutes of play time;)


If you would like to contact me my email addy is hybridping@hotmail.com also I have msn messenger if you like to msg me through there. Thanks:) and I do hope to find some good clan.

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