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Oh yes! I did it! First level!(screens of level inside)

Grets Sirob

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I'm finished!


It took a long time but I finally finished my mp level. It's a three by three grid of rooms. The center room is twice as high as the others. It's a temple motife and is pretty dark in some places. Edit: Before you ask any questions or have a comment, please read all of the post.


Here are some screenshots... (try not to drool all over your keyboard :) )



One of the rooms



Another room, only with weapon and ammo



A hallway connecting two of the rooms(not very long)



The lower level of the center room



One of the four ramps leading up to the upper level of the center room



The upper level of the center room



Don't worry, the light is brighter in all of the rooms(screenshot must have darkened them, don't know why). This level is Duel only (I'm going to release different versions later). Hope you like it! Oh, uh, BTW, I regret to inform you that I will not be releasing it yet (*sniff*, I know, I want you to play it too). I need to finish the other versions so I can put them all in the same file. And if you have any suggestions that aren't too drastic, please post them. :) And if you know how to put in bot support, please, post away! Also, I need to know how to put the files into a pk3 file (and if you can, please find a place I can download any tools needed without signing up for anything). Bye, I gotta go finish the other levels. :)

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I believe that in the post it says that...

Don't worry, the light is brighter in all of the rooms


And as for the blue and red light,

(a) I don't want to.

(b) I don't know how to.

BTW, I got the pk3 to work! But i just need some good "templish" music. Any suggestions?

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well i didn't look at all of the screens but im sure its probably very good (if its not its ok, it is typical, perhaps traditional?, for mappers to make a "test map", although whether or not that gets released or not, or how much polish it gets, is up to the mapper).


But one thing:


please DO NOT release all versions of your map in one .pk3 file or it will be screwed up if you do the .pk3 files properly! What i mean is, in ur xxx.arena file, you name what kind of map it is, as in what gametype... so.... you would end up naming all of your maps as duel, or all as ffa, etc.


As for a temple music suggestion, poke around in one of the assets files, looking for music that has yavin in its filepath and u will probably find something.


If u wanna bring in custom music may i suggest Loreena McKennit or Enya, their stuff fits temple atmospheres.


-Jumbo Monkeyfish

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You did that on porpose. All of you. Plenty of time (14 some hours). And no one answered my question. I really hate you guys. However because I'm so nice, I will give you one more chance to answer my question. If I get no answer, I'm writing up antother post. Answer me please.

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You have to put the levelshot in the right directory, like this


levelshots/mapname.tga (remember that the picture have to be in this format 512x512, 256x256, 128x128 and so on).


As for the music, if it's a custom piece of music it should be placed in a directory called music then in the worldspawn tag (while in editor press esc and then n, scroll to the bottom) add a key called music and then give it a value that points to your music file, like this:


music/mydumbsong.mp3, or whatever.


Personally I use this path, which plays the familiar duel theme:





I think this is right, but I'm tired and lost interest in answering the question :D

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Legion: Working on it. Gonna put some fire in the outer rooms. As for the center room, I think I'll keep that the way it is (yes, I know it's kind of wierd for light to just come out of nowhere, pretend it's some kind of strange force anomaly :) )


Wired: Thanks for the answer! :) About time someone answered me. :mad:

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K. I've been checking out other posts and adding some things to my map. Mainly, FIRE!! The light no longer comes out of nowhere! I will post screenshots shortly. I need to test and add more FIRE!!!








p.s. In case you haven't noticed, I like FIRE!!!!! :D

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Yes, I am a pyromaniac. :D However, I'm not completely sure, but it is my belief that fire should hurt you. I have done the trigger brush, made it a trigger_hurt, set the key "dmg" and the value to "10". But when I stand, waist deep in the trigger and in the fire, nothing happens!! Not even 1 hp is lost! WHY NOT!!!!!!!!! :mad:

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