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50% Done With Map, Need Help With Sky Textures


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All right, take a look at my screen shots below, they are of a section on this map where I have windows on one wall and on the ceiling. What I want is for a nice looking sky or stars to be viewed in all directions, and nothing else but that.







Now, I want the cylinder blocked out and I want a nice view of the stars through the unbreakable glass. If anyone knows how to do this well, please post a reply. Thank you!

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i don't think what you're wanting to do is possible. you can try making a small sky box around the window area.


i still don't think that it will work however. it's just a limitation of the engine and how it draws.


kind of like if you enable cheats then noclip higher in an outdoor area of a map and you can see through the roof of rooms that you should not be able to

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If I am understanding what you mean, you can do it using a sky shader that has stars. Surround the map in a big hollow sky box would be the easy way, but not the best for r_speeds.


- Vorax

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