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MP sure needs some SERIOUS balancing!


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So far, I've noticed several features that seem to be left out of JKII MP that were in JKI MP. Notice the Flechette gun and Imperial repeater, these two guns have VERY powerful secondary fires (and the flechette's primary is very strong too), both have a sort of grenade launching weapon with VERY high ROF's (for grenade launchers), very low consumption of ammo, good range, and accuracy. I think these two secondary fires need to be toned down signifigantly, the ammo consumption should be much higher, the ROF's much lower, and with shorter ranges (but the trajectory should still be pretty good though).


Also, I think that some of the dark force powers need to be toned down as well, mainly just grip and lightning. Lightning needs to be a bit weaker, and consume more power, plus it needs to only effect one person at maximum (ONLY one, in MP that is). Level three grip's ability to move people needs to be slowed down a TON, giving people the ability to escape the grip before being tossed to their deaths. I think that throwing people off ledges with grip is evil, but using push or pull is ok (hehe...). Also, dark force powers should not damage shields, only health, so one they do all their damage to your health, you'll still have some shields left.


Also, it seems like you can NEVER pull guns away from people like in JKI MP, and also explosive weapons dont seem to do enough damage to the users who keep shooting people who are 2 feet away from them, killing the target and not them....


And probably just as annoying, you cant knock away missles, conc grenades, or mines (I think..) away that are shot at you with force push any more, although the Reborn seem to do this perfectly... And you can too, in MP...


But thats basically it...

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I agree about the pulling weapons part. I never can steal someone's weapon when using pull so i just use push mainly between those 2 forces


I agree about grip should only do damage to health. My shields never last long in battles no matter how i'm attacked though.


I also agree about how annoying it is to be thrown off by grip but since i can do it to it's not really as bad as your other points.


Lightning seems alright as it is. The only time I can kill anyone with it is if they are almost dead before I attack or fail to move when they're fighting. Lightning has a very short range, thus easy to outmanuvuer as is grip (which seems to take a lot of force power).

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Pulling weapons is surprisingly easy IF you know the secret: Do it real close up, and they HAVE to be facing towards you. In general you might need a couple of chained pulls to get the gun out of their hands (as you pull them closer first). Rest assured, I HAVE done it, and it DOES work (but it's still risky).


Secondly, I am primarily a light side user, but I have been testing out the dark side powers recently. This is my view on things:


Force Protect is worthless. I have never seen this used to any great effect, perhaps it should absrob more damage (ie at level 3 absorbs 100% of damage, and removes some from your force gauge)


Force heal at level 3 is very effective (heals 50 health), but on the whole since you can kill with a single blow from red stance...


Mind trick is poorly explained over how it is used in MP. Effective, but easily countered (perhaps if it could only be penetrated by equal or higher Force Seeing?)


Team Heal/Team Energise: I've rarely seen this used, though I normally have all of one point in it. Usually battles are too hectic to really use it well, and those who need healing the the end run off to get it...


Force Grip is almost always taken by people at level 3. Less is nowhere near as useful, but I d not believe it is overpowered because Absorb always breaks the grip, and there are multiple other ways of escaping (Push, Weapons, Saber Throw...)


Force Lightning: Again, I think this is OK (but annoying, perhaps the rate it uses power could be increased), as it has anumber of counters (beating the snot out of them while they stand like a muppet for instance)


Force Drain. The bane of JK2. I feel that this power drains force too quickly (empty in a microsecond?), and HEALS THEM? The same amount it drains? Aiieeeee! Not only does this guarantee that they will always go back to full health, but that even a "glancing" hit from it will reduce your force bar to nothing in nothing flat. On the other hand, I think a restructure of the drain power might be in order -

Level 1: Drains force in brief burst (as before). No healing

Level 2: Able to maintain beam (as before in L2), but again no healing occurs

Level 3: Able to maintain beam (as level 2) but NOW you get healed as well


This gives some incentive to sacrifice points to it, maintains some healing for the Darkside (it is more attack than defence oriented anyway, plus they have Dark Rage TOTAL invulnerability!) while requiring a little skill and reflexes on the users part (and victims can dodge). I hope that's not too great a change to try if Raven do like the idea.

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There are a few issues i strongly agree with you on, some are fine though like:


Grip: I love fighting people who use this, I either A: pull them into the pit behind me they're trying to drop me in and save myself. or B: use absorb and get some force back.


Lightning: It isnt a problem mainly because the caster is very vulnerable while using it.


Drain: Definitely do something with this, not a whole lot, but tone down how fast it takes a persons force mainly, some people say to use absorb to counter it but its too late most of the time since your force is already gone.


Pull: My god I love pull, for me it is VERY easy to pull weapons once i learned how. It's not really risky, just pull out the saber and do a quick roll in front of them and pull, they don't even have to be facing you. I love it.


Push: what point are you trying to make? that pushing doesnt work in SP? cause it does, and it works fine in MP too, i push rockets, golan balls, and TD's all the time, hell, even blaster fire.


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Now the weapons, the repeater and the golan do have some problems i think:


The repeater secondary fire: this is serious, the main thing i'd say is decrease RoF and make the splash damage bigger so we can get rid of the safety of firing point blank with it and barely get hurt, it's too sloppy and requires no skill. other than that, damage is fine, and trajectory is fine.


Golan: man are these annoying, definitely decrease the damage. It's sad to die from a point blank secondary golan shot with 100 health and 75 armor. Either make it only fire out one ball or decrease the damage signifigantly or decrease RoF.


Those weapons are just extremely powerful and easy to use.



Sutek: I too would love to see them make team heal more useful, no one ever uses team energize but i think it's fine as it is. I dont know, maybe i'm wrong, maybe they use those powers a lot in scrims and matches.

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Ok, my main gripe with mp is the light saber. Saber battles are not anywhere as fun and exciting as they are in sp. In sp, one has fast paced fights where you can disarm the enemy, have more saber locks. Also in sp, something that the enemies do to me a lot is when they hit my saber aside which leaves me defenseless for a short time until i get back into my stance.

All of this leads to very exciting saber fights which is what I love most about the game. unfortunately mp saber fights are nothing like this. The red stance is much too powerful (notice how everyone uses it above the other stances) and this has caused saber fights to turn from fastpaced excitement to dreary slow running around and jumping until someone gets in the one hit that kills the other. What always annoys me about red stance in mp is that I wait for the opponent to swing at me, which (supposedly) leaves them wide open for attack before they recover from the swing. So I go up expecting to get a fatal blow into them as they are recovering, and then I die because my foot has touched their saber which is still along the ground from their swing. I wouldn;t mind the one hit kill of the red stance if it was possible to avoid it and apply a quick slash into their side before they recovered from the swing. The massive amounts of damage should only occur on the actual downswing of the strong attack, not from after they've swung and the saber happens to glance off you.

Where are the disarming ability, the knocking the opponent out of their stance or the numerous saber locks that occur in sp? These would add so much more depth and excitement to the mp saber fights. As of now, I find myself just loading up sp games where I fight the dark jedi warriors simply because its so much fun. Mp should be able to match this


on the Pull ability: I never have problems with pulling weapons from people.


Drain: drains too quickly!


Heal: Heals too much!

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