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Hey, relax. Where I am, you posted at about 10 at night and checked again at 9:30 in the morning. A lot of people are asleep or heading in to work during that time. Be patient! :) I'll check out your map when I get home (as long as I remember to read the thread again) and post some comments if you like.

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that is true....i forgot i just got switched to night shift and im working wierd hours...the map is pretty tight besides some minor fixes...its not my first map but the first one ive done using radient....so let me know.


LordNasea im email it to you now.

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Ok. Two friends of mine and me tested your map some minutes ago.

I think the general layout is interesting, but here are is what we would like to see ... improved :)


- the light is way to bright

- on the top of the waterfall the water flows backwards

- a part of the ramp on the right side of the waterfall (not the one with the X-Wings) is not textured and you can look right through it

- we think that the grass is annoyingly green :)

- on the left side of the waterfall is a hole in the stone wall and you can see the water from the side

- the white texture below the X-Wings makes no sense to us

- the textures on the walls, surrounding the arena, are too often used

- there are no shadows casted by the environment cos there is no light :) (except the ambient)


I hope this helps you to improve this map.

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theres a post a little ways down where i uploaded the map too....i will be fixing a few things...lighting especially...and a few other things ive noticed and have had people point them oiut......i appreciate any other comments...

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My suggestion would be to fix the texturing problems that LordNausea pointed out... but then, I'd like to see the "exterior" part of the level removed.


I know it might have taken you a while to put together, but for a duel map, it just seems to big. I would suggest reducing all the "grassy" areas to just a ring around the pool of a water... that would limit most combat to the bridge above the water and on top of the waterfall itself.


But that's just a suggestion, you can build the map however you like... :)

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