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Suggestions to make the game better


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these are taken from http://antisabercode.50megs.com/guides/saberguide.html

and i agree with them 100%.



More lunge moves. The light style lunge isn't enough, though i suppose the medium finisher is arguably a lunge. They are the only hope for L & M styles to counter the range of Strong outside of force power use.

Different moves triggered by control commands like: left, left + attack; or back, left + attack.

Make Light style not teh sUck.

Give Medium style more acrobatic moves. One acrobatic move hardly justifies the game manual's description of medium style as including "acrobatics".

Allow interactive parries to occur. (When opponent attacks) + Back would allow you to knock the enemy saber aside and counter.

After balancing the stances against one another, change how Saber offense is "bought" with force points. Make each style cost 4 or 5 points and allow each to be bought individually with no requirement to buy the others.

Allow kicks with No-Force ruleset.



i think if you would put these features in the game would be nearly perfect.:fett:

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At the risk of becoming hugely unpopular here...I have a suggestion...

Take the same technology it took to make this game and apply it to a Star Wars game that's ABOUT some "authentic" characters...(Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, Mace Windu, Luke, Han, Boba Fett....Hell, even Lando)


This game is cool...(MP rocks). But, frankly I think the whole "Jedi Knight" story arc should've ended with JK1. I would much rather inhabit the shoes of a "real" jedi (Ben, Mace, QG) than some dork named Kyle. (How'bout Yoda...The early years. Now that would be cool.)

I expect to get some flak for this opinion, but so be it.

(I'm holding out for "Bounty Hunter" on GC):fett:

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I think they need to focus on getting the game to work properly... some very annoying bugs out there.


Other than that, I was thinking about a new duel mode. Anyone played the Star Wars arcade and the last level is the fight against Darth Vader. It would be the same concept as that, except that moving the mouse controls the movement of the sabre, Left Click+Mouse Move attacks in the same direction as the mouse movement, Right Click+Mouse Move blocks in the same direction as the mouse movement. Your view would be fixed onto the enemy, and you would be able to move around a bit with the movement keys.


Maybe seems a little too complicated, but I think that would be as close as sabre fencing as you can get.


Just my 2 cents...

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My biggest gripe with this game (and I don't have many- GREAT JOB, Raven) is that the Grans will run right up and throw a thermal detonator in your face while they are standing next to you. It'll kill you dead, but doesn't seem to affect the Gran. The Grans need a secondary weapon (vibroblade or fists) for close quarters combat. Their AI should have them try to GET AWAY and use the detonators on you.


The stormie rifle has some serious accuracy issues, as does the strength of the bolts. I swear you have to swiss-cheese an enemy to 'blast' him unless you get a clean head-shot.


Seems to me that people will always gripe about MP saber battles for the following reason: most players aren't duelers; they are flailers. I've rarely seen anything other than players running at one another in apparent button mashing fests when it comes to lightsaber combat. It's like watching two eight year olds with Hasbro lightsabers having a 'lightsaber fight'. Everyone is all offense, no defense, no strategy. Throw in a little lag or bad ping and it becomes a mess real quick. Anyone else agree or am I out to lunch on that one?

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I would've liked some more player models from the movies and not just from the game (i know we can now download them but the models from the game developers are so much better) where's Bobafett, Vader or even Yoda???. What about character classes? Imagine a Team FFA with Jedi's, Sith and Bounty Hunters all fighting one another or even do an "Alien v Predator" where you can play the single player missions as a Jedi, Sith or Bounty Hunter with different stories for each character. I think the saber could've been a lot better than it is, the Destroyer saber (Darth Maul) shouldn't be a cheat, I've used it many times and don't really see it as major advantage over the standard light saber it's just too much hastle to get it (load the map twice and add bots)!! Maybe the ability to fight with two sabers would be good as long as it would balance out (if you fight with two sabers you can't use any hand gesture force moves like push?). I hope some of what I've written will appear in an expansion pack.

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Originally posted by FuzzyMasta

I would've liked some more player models from the movies and not just from the game (i know we can now download them but the models from the game developers are so much better) where's Bobafett, Vader or even Yoda???

. ... the Destroyer saber (Darth Maul) shouldn't be a cheat, I've used it many times and don't really see it as major advantage over the standard light saber it's just too much hastle to get it (load the map twice and add bots)!! Maybe the ability to fight with two sabers would be good as long as it would balance out (if you fight with two sabers you can't use any hand gesture force moves like push?). I hope some of what I've written will appear in an expansion pack.


Exactly... Very well put.

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