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Using your voice in the game?


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Hi everyone

I was just wondering if it were possible to replace the game's sounds with your sounds?


That would be cool, you can put your voice in the game to go with your own models/characters.


Just an idea.

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Yeah its possible, maybe not right now (im not sure, i havent tried) because the tools that have been released are limited, but in a few months even more source code and editing tools will be released.


Basically all you have to do is take the voice files out of the game, and then replace them with your own. You can record your own voice simply with a microphone and the Microsoft Sound Recorder program which lovingly comes with every version of windows. :)

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So, they would be the sounds in the two assets.pak files huh?



1: Would you have to save it as the same file type?

2: Would you have to save it with the same name?


I figure this, since the game possibly goes for that "particular" file with the name and extension.



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Originally posted by Reelo

So, they would be the sounds in the two assets.pak files huh?



1: Would you have to save it as the same file type?

2: Would you have to save it with the same name?


I figure this, since the game possibly goes for that "particular" file with the name and extension.




Yes they would have to be the same file type and name as the sounds you replaced them with, unless you feel like doing some coding/hacking ;)

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