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Shadowtrooper model question


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Ok, I'm simply trying to replace Kyle with a shadowtrooper in SP. I've tried copying all the files from the shadowtrooper model folder to the Kyle model folder (overwriting files with the same names), and repacking the pk3 file. This made the model show up correctly, however the weapon equipped wasn't being held, it appeared to be jammed into his forearm (looked painful). Upon attempting to swing, the game crashed. Second, I simply renamed the shadowtrooper folder to kyle and vice versa, and then repacking the pk3 file, but this yielded only the hands and the weapon appearing in the game. Both times I left all the zip options on the pk3 file alone (meaning no compression, etc). Are there some files I'm missing, or are these two models just incompatible? I would appreciate any help in this. Thanks.

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Did you use the single player stormtrooper model or the multiplayer one? :D

There is a difference. As far as i know, there are actually two stormtrooper models, each with different animation sets.


The multiplayer stormtrooper is the character you can select and play as in multiplayer, i believe, and the single player one is the enemy or "monster" storm trooper who just holds a blaster and shoots at you. Exchange kyle for the right trooper model and everything should work fine.


Or i could be completely wrong. This was just off the top of my head, for what its worth i hope it helps.

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As far as whether it's mp or sp, the folders don't really say, but the different colors for the teams in mp are there, so I'm assuming it's the mp. Is this the correct folder or should I be using the sp? If I'm not supposed to be using mp, where is the sp folder (I never saw anything to denote a difference in mp or sp models)?

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Originally posted by Tantalus

As far as whether it's mp or sp, the folders don't really say, but the different colors for the teams in mp are there, so I'm assuming it's the mp. Is this the correct folder or should I be using the sp? If I'm not supposed to be using mp, where is the sp folder (I never saw anything to denote a difference in mp or sp models)?


The problem here is that some of the animations that were in single player, were removed from multiplayer to cut down on lag. More than likely you will have to wait for the MP Code to be released in the next few months and/or make your own replacement model and give it the same name as kyle.


OR, and this is the easier one if it works, give the replacement model the exact same name as the kyle model. That way the game will "think" that you are playing with kyle even though you will be using a different model.


hope that helps.

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