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Damnit people


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For crying out loud, if you have a system with 512 megs of RAM or more, GET WINDOWS XP, FOR CRYING OUT LOUD.


LOL. Im not angry, im just sick of people complaining about program/game crashes when they run Windows 98 on a super-machine.


Once you get to 512 megs of RAM or more with windows 98, it starts acting pretty spooky because it wasnt designed to handle that much.


Trust me. I have a self-built 1.2 Ghz Athlon with 768 megs of RAM and at first i put win98 on there and it crashed like a bitch. Once i reformatted and got XP on there it went great.


So what does this have to do with jk2/mapping? Simple, if you dont want this high tech game to crash when you are playing it and/or compiling maps, DONT USE WINDOWS 98.


Thank you :-).

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