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weapon models question


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Can the weapons be redone? I am talking about the first person "view weapons" as well as the ones that lie on the ground. And on that note, can the pickup items be replaced with new models as well?:confused:



I have a lot of ideas in store for JK2 and i just want to know what the capabilities currently are for modifying this game.

I know for a fact that raven will be releasing more tools in the near future.:D


thanks all.

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weapons can be completely redone. First person, third person, pickup and projectiles can all be changed...though i'm not sure to what extent you can change projectiles at this point...


I just sent in (for the fourth time) my .pk3's of a replacement saber (though don't know if it gets replaced for first person) and my replacement bryar pistol, though the projectile is the same

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I'd posted a thread earlier with something I'd been able to do with switching files, but I don't think just switching files will do it. Do you think it's possible to make the sentry turrets fire thermal detonators? I think it'd be really cool to have an artillery cannon like that. It'd be kind of neat. You start walking toward the line of troops and suddenly, BOOM...this little silver ball comes flying in an arc toward you, and BANG, you have to respawn. ;) Either that, or...possibly make the ROCKETS fire in an arc up into the air, and then have them come back down. That'd be neat, too.

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as i said, not sure at this point about projectiles, i know their speed can be changed, and ammo consumption, and ammo type. And the pictures can be altered as well (Skin's for the solid objects)...dunno about the turret, probably need the source code, but haven't looked into it. it might be in there somewhere.

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I got the blaster bolts to look like the glow effect of the flechette alt_fire...so it's just a glowing yellow ball that fires with a smoke trail behind it. :) It's badass...I made this map that is just this HUGE open desert field...you start at one end, and then there are four turrets, and a two lines of five storm troopers at the other end...when they all start firing at you, it looks really neat. :) And by the way...the little glowing balls explode on impact. >:)

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