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doors question


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Well I found a clever way to make the door just open by using force push. It requires you to make a button, but texture it with the clip texture (to make it invisible) and move it high and out of the way. Be sure to link your button with your door. When you're in the level it'll appear to be only a force open door.


Hope this helps.

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you could try making the button move out of the way when you push it. this way it won't matter if it blocks the door initially. I haven't gotten a chance to test this, nor am I certain if you can control how far the button moves/how fast it moves. I believe you can though. any way, just an idea

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Read my last post carefully again.


Well I found a clever way to make the door just open by using force push. It requires you to make a button, but texture it with the clip texture (to make it invisible) and move it high and out of the way. Be sure to link your button with your door. When you're in the level it'll appear to be only a force open door.


High and out of the way will not block your door.

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