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making stuff detail


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I think vis skips it when calculating visibility, and it speeds up the compile.


On my map I hadn't made anything into detail at first, the compile took 1 hour and 42 minutes. After I made the right stuff into detail it took around 6-7 or so minutes. :D

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It only affects vis, not lighting. Bsping chops the map into different nodes. Each node is connected with another nod through planes. Structural brushes will split up nodes. Detail brushes will not. More detail means less structural => less stuff to split up => faster vistimes.

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ok this is probably the stupidest question ur ever gonna read on these boards but...


why wouldnt i just make the whole level detail?

what actual physical impact does it make on the level?



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Because if you make an entire level detail, there would be absolutlely no vis blocking of any kind. ie:, at all times, a PC would render the whole thing when it probably doesn't need to.

Not only that, if you don't have structural hull (ie, not detail) your map will leak.


Other issues arrise with using detail brushes in certain circumstances, but knowing when to use them is a good thing. Particularly if you want to save on compile times.

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so u only use it when the brush ur using it on isnt blocking the players view from other parts of the map?


also can u use caulk on the "hull" of the level or does that make it leak?



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Caulk will NOT make it leak - use caulk on ANY and EVERY face that can not be seen by the player...if you don't, your map will not run as fast as it COULD. Caulk=good my son.


Also, the perfect place to use hints are any brush that the player can SEE over and other NON vis blocking brushes ( trimmings, lights, window frames ).

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