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Phat model Idea


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I got a mad Phat idea for a model. I know your all gona say it dosn't fit with the star wars them, but I like it. I wanna Old school 7up cool spot model with some sound clips takem from the old sega game it would be simple to make and easy to make a skin 4 he only has 3 colors white black and red no wait 4, blue if you make ctf skins. Anyone else thing this would be a phat model to play with ?



-Royal the only jedi to cut his hand off with a powered off lightsaber.

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lol yeah limb...so how is that model coming along royal...i an really interested to see your progress.


And if you say you never intended to have anything to do with producing this model...then why are you even mentioning it?


Otherwise lets see some screens

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