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The Great Mountain Temple released!


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And so I've finally finished the duel version of my FFA map, The Great Mountain Temple, it's a bit larger than a average duel map... anyway here's the link and there's pictures too if you are unsure if you wanna d/l or not. But it's only about 700kb, so there's no reason not to!


Unfortunatly there's no bot support in it, not yet anyway since making it seems like a drag.... to say the least, anyone wanna do it? :D


Get it here


And I welcome suggestions and ideas, in this thread would be good since I'll be checking it now and again...

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OMG, that's the worst level i've ever played, it sucks big time!



Just joking :p, I love the architecture in your level especially those crumbled archways. Those look really great and your level has a great ambiance it's a very good duel map! And another + for this map is that it has pretty good bot support!


Keep up this good work, i'm looking forward to your next map!

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This is just an excellent level I recommend it to all of you who haven't downloaded it yet :thumbsup:


Wired, you've come up with a very nicely made level. For a first I would like your email adress so I can contact you further on, and see you become part of the NRG team. (Iether place your email on this same forum, if you feel uncomfortable with that - then I can give you mine)


The NRG Team which is nearing completion is designed to create products for a large number of communities. NRG consists of a wide variety of members, from Graphic Artists/Designers to Programmers. Also this opens up opportunities for future aspiring editors to have the possibility of being looked over by larger important Teams.


Possibilities for Editors could open up and NRG would also be a source for producing resources for JK2 (hopefully) and other upcomming game titles.


More information upon recieval of interest/email.


Cheers ;)

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WOW, I d-loaded it but havent played it yet. but based on the pics, WE DEFINATELY NEED TO COLABORATE ON MY SITH TEMPLE PROJECT! YOU DA MAN! Ok, im calm again. But seriously, I'd like to work with you on my sith temple. But sadly I cant just yet because I am on an extended business trip and my JK2 computer is not internet capable while on the road. But when I return home we can talk about working together.

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It IS kind of bland once you move away. Was thinking of more of a landscape, and I tried to make it... but it sucked. Going to fix that in the FFA version so maybe I'll release a updated duel map. As to when that would be I don't know, got stuck playing Day of Defeat and CS (don't scream, I'm not a CS fanatic).

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