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Post your maps here. Dont have space I have some :)


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Hey [LoRD]RaoulHooD,


Yeah, your map wasn't sent to maps@gamingelite.com , dunno if you sent it or whatever. http://www.jedioutcastmaps.com/ posted it anyway. They took some screenshots and it's ready for DLing at http://www.jedioutcastmaps.com/map.php?id=69 . I have to say, it was a very good map. Very large, but very nice. It shows that you are a pretty experienced mapper who spent a lot of time on this map. I hope you keep making maps in the future.

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Hey Anarchangel,


I don't know where you uploaded your map to (cuz your reply is not too clear and there was no e-mail sent by you to maps@gamingelite.com) , but if you e-mail your map to maps@gamingelite.com , they will post your map for you and they will add some screenshots too. You should include a readme file too. I hope you make your map public though, cuz with a name like that, it has to be good.

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I apologise DannyJ... I thought I had replied to you here, but I guess I didn't... I sent them my map, but I guess it got lost in the shuffle somehow (I think my email may be messed up). Thank you for the info, it's a great site... I got about 6 maps I didn't have yet from them!


Also thank you for the compliments! I will be making more maps, and actually I have a duel map that is set in the trees of Endor... kind of in the middle of an Ewok village... I just have to get the right textures and I will release it hopefully this week.

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