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Sky Shaders And Prefabs... How The Hell Do They Work!?!?!


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Sky sahders and prefabs are the the biggest mystery i have encountered so far in JKRadient...




Ok so im new to this but i really need some answers to finish this great map i have in the works Bespin Rooftops.







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Apparently when you load the sky texture set there should be shader files for each one i think, and so you apply the corresponding shader to the brush surface...but shaders don't show up in the texture list for me, so i always have to get someone else to do it for me..


Radiant is the worse editor i've ever used, half the options in it either don't work for me or are buggy as hell :(

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so you have to apply the textures first then apply a shader???


how does that work, if you apply the shader wont that replace the texture you just put on the brush??


Im going to do a little experimenting tonite see if i cant fix a few things.:confused:

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