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Villains?...Give me a break.


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Is it just me, or does anyone else out there feel that the arch villains,"Dessann (dino head)" and "Tavion (stripper)" seem very out of place for a Star Wars game?... I found them to be ridiculous; especially when compared to the likes of Jerec or Sariss from JK1. Why not make Dessann a species familiar to the SW galaxy(or just human)? What the hell was he? And Tavion, why would she be dressed like that(she should be dancing in a cage at some bar)? Dumb... (The Reborns are very cool though.)

For such an ambitious game, the creators were "out to lunch" when it came to creating suitable villains for the Star Wars galaxy. It's as if they had never seen a SW movie.

"Next time" guys, do a little more research. There's a huge fanbase out there filling your pockets. Give us what we want.


Dessann was easy to kill too...What's the deal with that?

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That's right... And for fifty bucks, I've earned the right to complain...

I should've mentioned before that I do in fact like this game...Very much. MP rules, great graphics, great effects, nice maps... But it (like many things in life) is not "perfect".

The two top "Bad Guys" are a joke. . My "Star Wars" experience was hampered by their appearance. If anyone out there shares this view, I'd like to hear from you... Galak was the biggest challenge in the game.

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From what I understand Desann was an existing Expanded Universe character who they borrowed for this game and I'd guess they used the species that he's supposed to be from that source - Jedi academy trilogy?.


I agree, I liked Jerec and co better, as far as villains went and Desann and Tavion feel like they lack a bit of the "Epic" villainny of the old JK villains, or heck even General Mohc (Galak may have nifty armor and all, but he's no comparison to the original Darktrooper Phase 3) They kinda fit in with the universe, Tavion feels/looks more like an Episode 1 or 2 style character though rather than a post ROTJ. But yea, I'm not overimpressed by them either :p


From a storyline perspective though.. pretty much all the "good" dark side baddies have gotten wiped out by this point in the EU timeline, so meh.


Good villains are hard to find these days, in any galaxy :p

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Wow, that's very good Uncle Meat. Very ambitious effort for a reply...

Just learning 'photoshop', huh ?... I did'nt know you could find it in Portland. Not bad. But did you get permission to use your father's picture for that little masterpiece? I don't think he would appreciate that.

(the drop shadows were'nt necessary)

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Tavion feels/looks more like an Episode 1 or 2 style character though rather than a post ROTJ. But yea, I'm not overimpressed by them either :p


From a storyline perspective though.. pretty much all the "good" dark side baddies have gotten wiped out by this point in the EU timeline, so meh.


Good villains are hard to find these days, in any galaxy :p [/b]



Sorry, I don't see any E1 or E2 in Tavion... I see an S&M hooker(she should be carrying a buggy wip). I'm glad, however, to see someone else is'nt that impressed with these "villains".

Also, I've never been too impressed with the EU. It drifts a bit too much from what I feel is the "canon" of SW (I know, this sounds pretentious, sorry).

From a story line perspective, I'm of the opinion that the Kyle Katarn "story arc" probably should've ended with JK1. I enjoyed playing this game (still play MP regularly), but the story that moved it along was a bore (Lando's brief appearance was cool though).

Good villains can be hard to find...But not if the "writers" get their act together. They're writers...(Invent some.)

(Oh, and to the readers here who have a problem with my opinion because of their perptual hard-on for this game...Tough sh*t.)

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Desann is an awesome villian, don't F' with him or he'll strike yo ass down faster than you can say bantha fodder!




Anyway, he's extremely hard to beat in the last level if youre in a decent difficulty level and you try to take the direct route (actually dueling him with a lightsaber to his death)...


Plus he's freakin cool looking and has a tight voice, and some mad d@rk j3d1 sk1llz!



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Originally posted by The_Raptor

Desann is an awesome villian, don't F' with him or he'll strike yo ass down faster than you can say bantha fodder!




Anyway, he's extremely hard to beat in the last level if youre in a decent difficulty level and you try to take the direct route (actually dueling him with a lightsaber to his death)...





Sorry... Awseome? I think he's not.

I beat him quite easily at the medium/normal difficulty setting by using force-speed and strong-stance. Went right at him. He did'nt get in one swing.

LI (laughing inside)

Jerec was a tougher fight...

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Hi there!

Unfortunately some game crashes have prevented me to get to the end of this gam (hopefully patch is coming soon).

But I have to agree with you about the villains. I was really disappointed when I saw this dinosaur creature coming out to kill me at the Artus landing platform (or what). And its counterpart the whore-dressed woman...

But I wasn't amazed by jerek neither in JK1, but I loved that game too. What makes these games unforgettable is their environments, and the Star Wars illusion. The architectures in JO are unparalleled compared to any other FPS on the market. This IS Star Wars! Monumental, but functional looking environments. And the small surprises, for example: battleroom on Yavin IV, AT-ST depo on Artus, etc.

But back to the subject: It could have been better with more realistic antaginists. Let's say: the guy could've been like Darth Maul. I mean, when in EP1 Maul appears in the hangar, that is thrilling! We can't see his face etc. for a few moments, only his eyes, well, I think that is the right path to set the tensions higher.

Forgive me, but I don't like the scenarios where the bad guy is bad guy becaus he looks like a bad guy, and he is different...(just look at the jedi council, some of them could be a real horror creature, but they ARE representing the good side...)

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Originally posted by mikroba

Hi there!

I have to agree with you about the villains. I was really disappointed when I saw this dinosaur creature coming out to kill me at the Artus landing platform (or what). And its counterpart the whore-dressed woman...

But I wasn't amazed by jerek neither in JK1, but I loved that game too. What makes these games unforgettable is their environments, and the Star Wars illusion. The architectures in JO are unparalleled compared to any other FPS on the market. This IS Star Wars! Monumental, but functional looking environments. And the small surprises, for example: battleroom on Yavin IV, AT-ST depo on Artus, etc.

But back to the subject: It could have been better with more realistic antaginists. Let's say: the guy could've been like Darth Maul. I mean, when in EP1 Maul appears in the hangar, that is thrilling! We can't see his face etc. for a few moments, only his eyes, well, I think that is the right path to set the tensions higher.

Forgive me, but I don't like the scenarios where the bad guy is bad guy becaus he looks like a bad guy, and he is different...(just look at the jedi council, some of them could be a real horror creature, but they ARE representing the good side...)


Extremely well put...You read my mind. The hypothetical "changes" you described would've made this game a classic (not to mention, attracted a more mature audience). I was'nt "too" impressed by Jerec either, but he was more"SW" than "Barney"... It took me quite a few attempts to beat Jerec. I liked the Reborns (a little too easy to kill though). I was curious as to their choice in uniform colors (pastels?). Black would've been appropriate. The maps are impressive...Very "SW". Dynamic lighting off the gun blasts and sabres would've been nice.(a light sabre should be able to cast light in a darkened area).

I'm of the opinion that the game was "dumbed-down" a little for wider appeal...Hence the villains (any real fan would agree).:jawa

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I don't understand you.


Jerec was certainly looking more evil than Desann.


To me, he doesn't look really bad at all, but his bad identity his much evident when ou hear him.


I mean, it's not because he's different from a human that he has to be a vilain. He could even have been a Jedi that it wouldn't have make a difference, and anyways, he has a Jedi.



Jerec, more "Star Wars" than Desann ?


Pathetic. Sorry but this is so dumb.

For my pet sake, did you look at the four movies ???


Aren't there any strange aliens ?


Have you even noticed the duck headed Jedi ? ( :) )


Guys, please stop these. You're being ridiculous. Saying that Desann isn't Star Wars is absolutely ridiculous. I'm pretty glad that Raven tried to put another species than the usual rodians, grans and weequays, all dressed the same way ! *sic*


Desann is good, even if my favourite JK vilain is Jerec. This guy has the style, the look, the nice features and "batman" outfits... come on.


Not Star Wars... humpf, what else ?

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Originally posted by Ko'or Oragahn

Jerec, more "Star Wars" than Desann ?


Pathetic. Sorry but this is so dumb.

For my pet sake, did you look at the four movies ???


Aren't there any strange aliens ?


Have you even noticed the duck headed Jedi ? ( :) )


Guys, please stop these. You're being ridiculous. Saying that Desann isn't Star Wars is absolutely ridiculous. I'm pretty glad that Raven tried to put another species than the usual rodians, grans and weequays, all dressed the same way ! *sic*


Desann is good, even if my favourite JK vilain is Jerec. This guy has the style, the look, the nice features and "batman" outfits... come on.


Not Star Wars... humpf, what else ?


You're nutz...Desann was a joke (he belonged in Quake or Unreal, not Star wars)...So was Tavion the street walker (what a laugh...I guess Desann was her pimp).

And no... I won't stop "these" as you put it... Hopefully some of the "geniuses" at Raven will read "these" and get it right next time.

You yourself admit that Jerec is your favorite JK villain... Oh and "batman" outfits have no place in Star Wars.. Have 'YOU' seen the movies?...

I liked playing the game's SP... I just wish the arch villain was a fear inspiring Sith Lord or the equivelent... Instaed of some game designers "after thought".

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Sorry if I sounded flamatory.


When I was talking about Jerec's "batman" outfits, it's not because they stick to the skin like a latex costume, it's because of the red symbols you can see on the sides of the dress that look like batman's symbol.


Anyway, I don't understand your problem with Desann.


It could have been him or some Ishi Tib or anything else, I wouldn't have cared that much. In fact, they decided to use some "charismatic" race, and I'm satisfidd with that.


Anyway, just a matter of taste, but for me, Desann is all but certainly not out of place in Star Wars.


Btw, even if he's not better than Jerec, he's still cool.


Oh, I forgot. Unreal's aliens or even Half Life aliens were crap and not scarry nor believable at all. No thrill.

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Originally posted by Ko'or Oragahn

Sorry if I sounded flamatory.


When I was talking about Jerec's "batman" outfits, it's not because they stick to the skin like a latex costume, it's because of the red symbols you can see on the sides of the dress that look like batman's symbol...



I did'nt mean to come off so bitter... My last post was a little too "angry"... You're right it's a matter of taste, that's all.

Oh and when you referred to "Batman" outfits, I thought you were talking about Desann... I thought Jerec looked like a "Dark Lord"...

Any way, MTFBWY...

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Neither are really out of place thou they weren't really scary or intimidating I must admit. I actually used the time they talked to put on a different TV channel then again I do that all the time. I never go Oh dam im going to get beat up this will be hard. Cause after playing games for years I know no computer-controlled charter (short of one with 999999999 health and death ray) can really beat me. I didn’t die once on Normal difficulty after I got my saber at least not in combat (stupid puzzles). I beat both dessan and tavion the first time. Tavion was harder I didn’t have all my skills when I fought her. Reborn are easy I just wait for the dumbass to throw his saber he always will if you don’t attack and then push his ass down one shot and onto the next area. The reborn look cooler thou and I was little uncertain when I met the first one On bespin That’s just cause I hadn't fought another saber armed opponent yet ounces I bet him (with one well placed blow) I went pfff this is supposed to be a semi boss.


Overall No enemy in a game has ever freaked me out or made he hesitant to fight him.


And yeah tavion looked like stupid hooker.

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