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Dark Jedi Saber-model


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Well, it certainly is spikey. Looks pretty good to me, but I'd lose the square shapes at the top & the bottom. Besides those, I think it's good. Although a saber handle isn't the thing the community needs right now, it's certainly a start. We all gotta start somewhere... (Hint: How 'bout a double bladed saber (or lightstaff as some people call it) handle a la Darth Maul?)

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It needs more than a new saber model for a double-bladed saber. But you are right when you say a new handle is not for everyone in the community, but some people may like a more individual saberhandle.

I think for a first try it looks good. Just the square are some kind of weird on the handle.

I'd like to see the saber in the game when it's finidhed so far.


What about finding a way to use different saber handles for the players in MP, so we get more individual jedis? I think I am goind to see if this is possible.

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It needs more than a new saber model for a double-bladed saber.


Yeah, I know. Programming, animations... But a model is needed to begin with. I'm not tryin' to be some sort of smartass or anything, just making it clear that I know...

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well... no

doing the animations would be very very very VERY difficult...

dont think its even possible to do good dual anims without MoCap


EDIT: well of cpourse it is possible... but a hard task... we'd need a kick ass animator that has access to softimage....

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Actually a Darth Maul saber with just one blade would be pretty cool.

He only used one blade during his duel with Qui-Gon on Tattoine, and it looked pretty cool.


Or perhaps a Darth Maul saber that has been cut off. I have seen pics of it somewhere but forgot where.

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the darth maul saber is already in the game, but is cheat protected. Most people know this. Knowing this, you should also know that saber "animations" are more controlled by the player model than the saber iteself. Short of the binding of where the saber gets held onto by the player model, it would not be a problem. However, if you wanted to release an authentic darth maul that does neat tricks with a double edged saber, yes you would need to do animations. Otherwise -- no you don't...

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Originally posted by Octavius

the darth maul saber is already in the game, but is cheat protected.

This is not really a Darth Maul saber, y'know. It's a second blade, but it's still the "normal" handle.

So a real Maul saber would need a longer handle, that looks like the one from TPM.

But with a longer saberhandle there come some problems, for example the second blades origin has to be reworked.

The source code would be necessary for this, I think.

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Originally posted by __CKY__

i really like it lol especially the spikes on it it loks really cool where can i dl it lol and are you adding any special sounds onto it

it is only a model right now with no textures, and not in game.

i'm working on another project (that has nothing to do with JK2JO), so i will put this on hold for now. maybe i'll finish it in some weeks...

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Originally posted by EffJi

Actually a Darth Maul saber with just one blade would be pretty cool.

He only used one blade during his duel with Qui-Gon on Tattoine, and it looked pretty cool.


Or perhaps a Darth Maul saber that has been cut off. I have seen pics of it somewhere but forgot where.


he also uses 1 blade when obi one destroys other side of it, after he kills quin gon jin or what ever his naem is..


but as for the saber.. its just to plan.. has to much of the sence "its a cylinder with boxes round it" look....

work with the actualt, cylinder part, try to make it not look like a cylinder to much.. also that box liie thing on the bottom part, loks like the handles going right through it.. it doesnt lok right.. try making the actual hole, or delete some polies t amke it lok more natural...

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