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It's the funny stuff that can happen in the game that makes it such a gem in my view.

The Tavion duel had me grinding my teeth after I had died at her hands for the twentieth time. The way I finally got her was an accident. I admit it. But it had me crying with laughter. I had landed on top of the crates near the pit somehow and took a flying leap off at her.

I used push in mid-air and landed right on top of her. Somehow she ended up on the ground backed up against the crates. I kept the move forward key down and just kept clicking primary attack.

I was treated to the spectacle of Kyle wildly leaping up and down on top of her delivering huge overhand swings with the saber. End of duel.

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Heh, first time I beat Tavion was by jumping on top of the crates opposite the hauler, and every time she tried jumping up, pushing her away. Eventually she fell off the edge. Again I tried, replaying the game with the realistic saber combat code, beating her with the saber. I fought her to the edge of the platform, and knocked her down with push. Then, when she got up, I swung horizontally at her, slicing her in two, and was awarded with a view of her split-body falling into the abyss before the cutscene. Sweet.

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I've beat up Tavion many times, but the most amusing way happened a few weeks ago. She backed me to the edge of the platform the cutscene takes place on and lunged at me. I did that cool forward lunge move and she went flying off into nothing. As Kyle watched her body disappear, I could've sworn I saw him shake his head.

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the most funny death of tavion was the first time i killed her. i had g_saberrealsiticcombat to 3 and fought her for the 30th time (uhhh... i took so many tries).

then she killed me, but as i fell down to the ground my lightsaber fell too and sliced her head off... hehe misson accomplished, ingame sequence coming up, rendered sequence coming up, but after both were over i found myself dead... sliced in two by mizz T...

thus i haven't won the battle... but killed her nevertheless :)

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