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Train gets stuck on player corpses


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Hey guys, I'm monkeying around with a map, and I have a func_train entity that kills players if it hits them. Since this is a MP map, it leaves a player corpse on the ground. Then when the train comes around again, it gets stuck on the player corpse.. it just sits there constantly trying to move but can't.


What can I do to prevent this?

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Did you try ticking the CRUSH THROUGH check box in the entity options?


also dont forget to add a high damage value using the entity value/key input boxes a value of 200 should be enought to kill anyone the train hits


i notice that in some of the SP maps that rotating brushes would gag if i died near them so i might be the case that the Crush through may not be damaging corpse's


id give it a try out for you but since im at work atm i dout the boss would approve of me mapping at work



hope this helps




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I get the same problem with a func_door that kills a player. Well ok, not the same.. but a similar problem. With a door, the door gets stuck for a couple seconds while the death animation plays.. then when the camera jumps out of the dead body, the door continues moving, destroying the corpse. This is a problem if I want 2 doors to always be in sync.


So I've tried trains and doors.. with similar problems. Anybody have any bright ideas?

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Just thinking, are there any settings I can change that say whether to leave player corpses? Or how long they stay until decaying?


Barring that, I might have to wait until I can do scripting :(

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Who me? I'm mostly learning about the various components you can play with. I am really more of a scripting/programming guy. I am toying with a small duel map with lots of moving parts, but I can't say that it will ever see the light of day. :)

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