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More heavy ranting


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I agree, disabling stances is a rather poor solution to the issue. When you do that, your not only getting rid of the DFA spam, but also the variety of moves and unique thing that saber dueling is. Without the stances, you have JK1.

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I agree that disabling stances seems a shortsighted way to solve the problem. It would be almost like cutting off your nose just to spite your face, and in the long run would hurt the game for all.


I think rather than disable heavy, It should be made more true to its original purpose. Less Damage, Alot slower recovery time and the possibility that a missed special attack could knock the player off balance etc.


Alternatively, perhaps it would be a good idea to have the heavy special move harder to achieve (it is one of the easiest moves in the game, which is part of the problem). Or infact how about each special move takes 90% of a players force power to do successfully. That would force players to have to wait for his/her force powers to regenerate before attempting the move again.


I feel that would at least stop the spamming of the dreaded "one hit wonder" that has been the scourge of many a decent duel,(Notice I said DUEL and not FFA or CTF) and may infact make a number of current players learn to use the other stances as well.



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I'm not a flamer, not here to argue.


No offense DarthVader, but i disagree with your earlier post. What about the enjoyment of the "Demented bunny hoppers?"

If they enjoy rackin' up frags by dfa then let 'em. Like you, I like to switch to hvy stance now and then.


But I don't think that hvy should be toned down, maybe except its collison thing. Whatever it is that decides when it's hit you.

Of course it has moves that kill with one hit. that's why its called strong stance :)


back to the enjoyment of others


I'm sure that nobody likes to get killed. I'm also sure that it would make a difference how you died, but i learned long ago not to argue with the way other people play. In the past, i played virtua fighter with my brother and he almost always chose a guy who was really fast. I called him a cheapshoter and all that because he kept beatin' me, but i finally realized that, that's just the way he played. He thought it was more efficeint to play that way 'cause he could beat me about seventy-five percent of the time.


These DFA spammers obviously think that's the easiet way to go. Do i think everyone who does it should be deemed skill-less cheaters worthy of flamin', not really?


It's all about rights. They have the right to play the way they want to, just as you have the right to play as you want to. You may say they're invading the rights of others, but i don't think it does.


I admit, when i see people flamin' others for flamin. I think, what's the point. That's why i'm trying not to flame.


You may think i'm a stupid, brainless noob, (i hope you don't :) )

but this is just the way i feel.


and no, i'm not a "Demented Bunny-Hopper. :D

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Bah :D


Well not once in any of my posts did I say that there is much to be done about you abusing the heavy stance (besides from concerned players kicking heavy abusers if the majority wants it).


Sure, you have a right to use it and if you do then so be it, but an attitude like that is counter productive for JK2 in the long run.


If a high score means more to you than a "good fight" then that again is your choice, and if you had your own server then that’s great, you wont see me or anyone else complain :D


Its just when your style of combat spills out into the public servers, it has a way of disrupting the game for all the other players who do want a good fight and what once was a good duel degenerates into a tedious "Dodge that DFA fest".


Now don't get me wrong... when used the way it should be, heavy is great! Its great as a finishing move or to simply even up the odds when yer down to 5 health hehe :rolleyes:


lol and even spamming the DFA in CTF or FFA etc is ok (heh I use it as crowd control lol :D ) .... but what concerns me is when it is abused and exploited in duels.


"Duels?" I hear you say.....


Yup especially No Force duels where in a crowded server of say 8 to 10 people, loosing a duel at the cost of a single cheap heavy shot and having to go back to the end of the line and wait 15 mins only to suffer a similar fate can become annoying to say the least :mad:


And as googly said in an earlier post... it puts off newer and less experienced players from sticking around, often choosing to find another server to play on.


Now before anyone who hasn't bothered reading earlier posts buts in and says "ooh but its easy to counter you n00b" etc, etc then I say this...


Yes it is easy counted, and vs. a heavy player my chances of survival in a NF duel aren’t to bad, but I get no joy in ducking and dodging my way past a barrage of DFA moves for 10 mins...gets very, very boring and predictable.



*plays jerry Springer music*


Ok time for "Vader’s Final Though" *gets stool to sit on*


"Remember kids, in the hands of a true Jedi, heavy stance is a valuable tool... but overused it wont win you any respect or many friends... Its almost as annoying as having a good fight in FFA with one guy and then someone running into the fray firing rockets killing both lol SO think twice before reaching for that heavy :rolleyes: Take Care Of Yourselves.....And.. Each other" :cool:




*ending credits play, crowd cheers wildly*



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God all I ever read on this forum are people bitching and whining and crying their eyes out and more importantly: FLAMING.

I bet at least 80% of all the posts here are flames! Well, here's mine:


[edited by digl - your useless flames are not appreciated here. If you post something like that again you'll be temporarily banned.]

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Nill - I've found a useful website for you :




Just scroll to the "Only Types Capitals" section. I'm not sure if it will work on your version of keyboard. I'm running Keyboard XP. Or that's what the guy at the shop told me. I hope this solves your problem.

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