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For The Love of all That's JKII HELP!

Master Emachil

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I'm a newbie at mapping! NO! DON'T RUN AWAY!!!


C++ I understand, VB I understand, complex bot scripts I understand... But for some odd reason I can't understand why when I compile my map, put it in a maps folder and zip it, rename to pk3, and use devmap; it can't find my map!


Yes, yes, this is probably very stupid and yer all going to direct me to some planet q3 tutorial... DON'T!!! Instead...


Tell me how to compile a map(1), how to make it appear in a MP menu(2), and THEN show me a good tutorial site(3)!


Thank you for your support,



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Is your .map file that you want to compile in the 'maps' folder BEFORE you start the compile process? Otherwise it won't work. If you already compiled it, then the .pk3 file needs to be in the 'base' folder, not the maps folder. Let me know if that worked.

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So you *did* put your map's '.map' file in the 'maps' folder before you start the bsp program? The 'maps folder is located in the 'base' folder.

The .map file you are trying to compile, therefore creating a .bsp file, *must* be in the 'maps' folder or the bsp program won't do anything.

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Nope, not an idiot, just clueless...


I tried putting the .bsp file in a folder called maps, then zipping it, and calling the zip file space, then I renamed the zip to a pk3 (standard way to make a pk3). Hmm... I looked at the Sith asencion pk3 and it has a maps folder with the .bsp in it, but it also has another folder with a .arena file in it (whatever that is).



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The arena file is what enables you to play see and select your map on the multiplayer map selection screen. But don't bother making an arena file, or even a pk3 file unless you're map is finished. Just type this in the console when you are on the title screen in-game:


devmap yourmapnamehere


That will load up your map, with cheats enabled, so you can test the level better using cheats if you want. Type this to load it up with no cheats:


map yourmapnamehere


Good luck.



open the console by holding shift then pressing the ~ (or 'tilde') key, in case you didn't know


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Let say you have a pk3 with a duel map called space that you want to be able to see and select in the menu, then it should look something like this inside it:





levelshots/duel_space.tga (size dividable by two, 128x128 64x64)




as for the arena file this is what you should write:



map "duel_space"

longname "Big Whopping Space Battle"

type "duel"



there are other parameters you can add but this is the basics.



But if you only want to test the map press shift+tilde (left of the '1' key ) and type \devmap mapname and it'll start, you can type \map mapname too but then you can't cheat :D



I think I got it right...

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Well, i've been using devmap the whole time, but im not on a pure server, so lets see if that's the problem. Otherwise, who cares it's my first map (a 4 walled room with stone walls, grass ground, and a starry nighttime sky on the top brush :p .



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I got it to start up ok now (I wasn't starting on a pure server.:p


Now I have a different problem... When I get in, I am in the middle of a completely black room that feels like a 2 x 2 rectangular box.


Do I need to add lights to be able to see anything? If I do, how??? Maybe my player is just stuck inside the spawn point??? Is that possible???


If anybody has answers to these questions, please reply. I can send you the .map file if you want!!!


Thanks for all your great help again!,


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