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the light entities connected to the info_null...


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i am havin difficulty connecting light entities to info_null's (this would create a spotlight effect). I have tried 'connecting ents' eg. selecting the light entity and info_n entity with left shift then pressing CTRL- K, but the still don't hook up. anyone know what to do?

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Well your nearly there :)


make sure you select the light entity first then the null entity now press SHIFT+k you will then get a green line conecting the 2 entitys with little arrows showing that the light is targeting the null but make sure you select the light first if not you'll have the null targeting the light and that wont do anything ;P



btw if you select both entitys you can copy and paste them and Radiant will rename the target and targetname numerically(spelling?) so that your spotlights dont all target the same place...


hope this helps



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