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Sky trouble


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I have a problem with the sky shaders, the ground and everything is black, while the sky is nice and bright. I picked the yavin skybox, I have selected the checkered box-thing with the white frame... What am I doing wrong, i need some serious help!!

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The yarvin sky box has no surface light or sun values so it emits no light what so ever :( (the reson its full birght is that it has a nolightmap flag so its not effected by lighting at compile time)


so you can either create a new shader that use's raven's skybox but with your own light settings (this will not effect other levels in the game)or use a diffrent skybox.....


if you need help with this just let us know


btw im just off to bed so if i dont reply for about 8 hours dont worry im not deafing you





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Ok, that explains quite a bit :) i have only done maps with space before, so i've never had this problem :)


But, I have also tried the bespin sky shader, and that dosen't emit any light either, could anyone tell me of a a sky shader that does??

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The bespin one doesn't seem to emit light for me either, but I've found that the 'kejim_light, 'artus_light, and 'normallight' shaders seem to work, but with different levels of lighting. I haven't tested the other sky shaders yet.

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