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No Floor or Ceiling? Presumably easily answered newb editor question


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I just made my first room following Bubba's tutorial and I understood it quite well, so that's not the problem.


My problem is when I load my map, I can see the wall textures, but no floor or ceiling textures. Not only that but if I take 1 step, I fall into deep nothingness.


I've tried repeating the process carefully following the procedure, but to no avail.


I also had 1 other quick question. I noticed under preferences, there is no such thing as a "prefab" folder for JK2. It just says /Prefabs. Do I need to change this?


Any help is appreciated.:)

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Just draw a brush directly underneath your cube. repeat the process above the cube. this should cover the floor/ceiling problem. Actually, I find it better to do this rather than make a cube and hollow it out. As for the second question, I haven't used any prefabs myself, but I believe the /prefab is what they mean by the prefab folder. These topics would both probably be better placed in the mapping forum. Hope that helped.


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