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My Water Is A Solid!!!!


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My water it's a solid ???


what i did is make was box cut top out then filed it in with a solid box. Then use the water texture. But i did the


ctrl shift left click then slected water then fit. ?? what am i doing wrong it's a solid :(

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You can't make swimmable water by selecting it's face and fitting it. You need to make a box for the water brush, then select the water texture, then create the brush that will be your water and fit it in perfectly with the box you made for it.

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Originally posted by mapmaker

You can't make swimmable water by selecting it's face and fitting it. You need to make a box for the water brush, then select the water texture, then create the brush that will be your water and fit it in perfectly with the box you made for it.

Actually. No. Water is 1 big brush, see it as a large square of water. You need to give it the correct water texture. If you give it a water texture without the water shader attached to it => it will be solid. And if you have a strange curvy swimming pool, you can just put the brush on it that it covers the enitre pool, and then bring it down a few grid units, and you'll see that it will appear as if you created the water out of different parts to align it with the pool wall, while in fact it passes it. Try to make all the sides nodraw apart from the one that can be seen. It works 90% of the times, and will increase fps. If it doesn't work => all sides water texture.

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