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No Demo..???


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Watch the gameplay movies! You'll race out and buy it. :)


There probably is a demo, as was stated in the news a few days ago, and I think we'll have it by the end of May.

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JO is one of those games that some people love and some people hate/dislike. Just look at the reviews, the scores have been 40%, 92% and everything inbetween.


I wouldn't suggest rushing out and buying a copy. Wait for the demo (if there is one) or play a friend's copy first.

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yea, that's what I'm afraid of. I have seen comments and reviews that see to be to the very good/very bad extreme.


And $50 - I'm doin' alright but I can't afford to throw that away on a game I won't finish.


Oh well, hopefully the demo will release soon. MOST game releases follow the MOH:AA and SoF 2 model - about a month out the MP demo comes out, then a SP demo either right before or right at launch.


I think that what lucas arts wanted to do was to get all the people that were hyped up to go out and buy the game w/o trying it. That way if the gamer didn't like the game too bad - they already paid for it. Whereas if the gamer had tried the demo and decided not to buy it they (lucas arts) wouldn't have the sale.


Seems like a crappy thing to do. But of course everyone has the option to buy or not buy. I just really want to like this game and feel good about my purchase!

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