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Missing .map files?


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I just started editing tonight and I already feel very comfortable with Radiant. I'm not really suprised though because I usually catch onto things quick. Now that I know the basics, I'm about to start on my first level from my future Star Wars Locales map pack, The Throne Room.


Of course I could start from scratch, that doesn't bother me, but it would make things much easier if I could open up the Deathstar level made by Raven and just modify the Throne Room there since the "basic" layout is done. However, I can only open 2 levels, CTF_Bespin and Kejim_Post. So my question is simply this:

Where are the other SP and MP levels? Am I missing something here?


Unfortunately, whoever made the Throne Room in JO obviously only had a half hour to make it (sarcasm), so I plan on changing it dramatically. The sooner the better! :D


Any help would be great.:)

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what you have to do is use winzip on your assestso.pk3 file


WARNING!!!!!!!! make a copy first because it is the master game file!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



after its unzipped there wll be a bunch of folders like models and sounds and MAPS.

go into that folder and open the throne room and see where you can go from there

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Well, I searched through the assest0.pk3, and found a few ffa_deathstar files, but there is no ffa_deathstar.map file. There is only a .bsp.


The only way I know how to load a map in Radiant is if it is a .map file. Is there a way to open and edit the .bsp file in Radiant? What am I missing?

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The .maps are indeed the only files you can edit in jk2radiant.


Those two that are there were released by Raven as goodies for you guys. Don't expect the rest of them anytime soon.

It took us a long time to finally wrangle the EF .maps away from Raven. ;)


Either way, there are decompilers out there. However, when a .bsp is decompiled, you lose all texture and curve information.


So when you decompile the map, no textures will be applied anywhere, and if there were any curves, they will also be missing.




If you're still interested, the program you're interested in is known as bspc GUI, which is a GUI for a quake3 editing utility (kinda like q3map.exe) known as bspc.exe Heheh.. Duh.


Just do a search on google for bspc gui.

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