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Multiple Solutions to the Infamous Server Finding Problem


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All righty folks as I right this I just ascended from Multiplayer Hell.

Like many people on the forum I was plagued by the infinite wait for your computer to get the "new" server list. Well a few solutions have been sugested. For me the one that made everything click was the one Lucasarts had on their site concerning firewalls doing there job to well.

So in an effort to really help the JK2 Community out, I'm starting a thread with intention to have people post what worked for them.

So without further ado, I present the first thread in what I hope will be an ongoing fight against this plague.

#1 what lucasarts suggests. It worked for me and it might just fix your problem. Basically the big one is that your security firewall is doing its job a bit too well. So head here FIRST if you've got a firewall on your computer.

#2 It has been suggested the ATI's new drivers sucketh much ass concerning server downloads. So you may wanna try "updating" to a earlier driver. So if you were doing fine until you did a driver update, then you may wanna try doing this.

#3 delete you jk2mpconfig.cfg file and let the game reset it. Sounds like a plausible solution (I'd still back the file up just to prevent problems though).

#4 well this is up to you guys. These are the suggestions that I have found so far and I really want this thread to expand so let's get cracking on those solutions guys.

I'll expand this post to include everyones suggestions as time goes on and I know this post belongs on the Tech Support forum but I feel that it belonged both on that forum and this one.

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I use a registered version of gamespy. Not only does it track the names Of all the people butts I would like to kick, but sometimes dont kick. : ( but it also allows me to see the server settings as well and gives me reliable ping times. I havent used the all seeing eye, but i have heard good things about it too.

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In order of preference:





Gamespy Arcade

MS Zone


In my testing, I found that Q and Ase show the most servers. ASE wins as far as filters (ease of use), with Q a close second filterwise (bit convoluted, but works well). Q wins overall, because of the buddy tracker. it's buddy tracker is faster, and cooler (in the way it pops up on your screen) that ASE's. Plus, you can skin it too...heh.


GS3d, which I've used for years for other games, just didn't cut it this time.


Arcade and Zone - the less said, the better...:D

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