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a simple request


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I have a simple request i have no time to learn how to make skins and although i may be really intrested i cannot aford the time. I was wondering if anyone was creating a pakage of skins to download in one fel swoop. Or if anyone knows where i can find one i would like to know.

Secondly i was wondering if there was any way it might be posible to maybe modle the lightsaber to a sword say similiar to vampire hunter d's i know the size limitations and all i was just wondering if it was possible. And also does anyone know where i might be able to find a D skin from bloodlust i think it might be a tad intimidating even to a jedi master to see a long haired hippy vampille (or how ever you spell it) trying to run

you down and have a parasite of a hand knaw on your inards making the fight truly hand to gland.


Just thought Id ask



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