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Sky Textures!! Help!!


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I can't see the sky textures!

In SP, they're replaced by big yellow color boxes or whatever.. Basically, no sky-textures, only yellow.


Running on:


Athlon 1300

Abit K7 raid

Radeon 8500 le

512 RAM


Please help me to fix this...

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Have the same problem on my PIII, but my PII shows the colors just fine. Sucks, because all I see is a bright yellow sky and it overwhelms the rest of the screen. Very annoying, and I have played with all the video options but nothing helps.

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Also, make sure that you didnt go into bideo settings and choose, Very Fast mode, or Normal mode AND THEN bump up the settings. Even though you choose very fast mode, with 640x480 and 16-bit color/textures and eveything low (which will turn off skys) and then bump them all up to highest settings, your still coded in very fast mode, so there still wont be skys. You should always set the pre-set mode to "High Quality" and then work your way up the next time around. But....your problem might be all together different.

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I had the same problem originally, so I just uninstalled then reinstalled the game. What I did also was when you start the first mission, let the video play right through at the start, don't Esc half way through it etc (Ya know what I mean?)


The problem I heard is a driver issue with Nivida based cards, if the above doesn't work just change you detonator drivers, that might help also.


Good luck, hope this helps


May the force be with you, He He

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