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Enhancements/bug reports


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Jk2 Radiant bug


Paths include unnecessary double slashes which confuse the compiler when building with bsp mode


MP Bot bug in Jedi Master bots mode



Map - death star

Bots - 2 or more

Mode - Jedi Master


In this mode, on this map, bots get caught at the elevator just below the emperor's throne room. I've had stacks of 3 to 10+ bots, standing at the corner tring to run to the docking bay, and getting stuck, standing, and running on each other's heads. (makes for funny screencaps) Note: this is when the jedi master was a bot, and refused to leave the docking bay area.





Enhancements + suggestions


#1 make at least 1 expansion pak. More MP maps, more NPCs - Non replacing, more SP maps, more MP models - Non replacing

You're missing a bunch of basic imperial model types from JK and Mots... Scout trooper, etc etc etc.. Add in models of things like bith, duros, hutts, wookiees, ewoks? the emperor, neimodians, droidekas, etc etc (a MP playable hutt would be neat and a MP playable droideka would be sweet) both for more of a "Star wars" feeling, and for more possibilities with MP mode


#2 Add driveable vehicles capability to MP maps. Add emplaced gun support to MP maps. Add more vehicle models: working cloud car, AT AT like someone is trying to build, snowspeeder, speeder bikes etc etc etc Include cockpit views so pov changes work in vehicle mode?


#3 Add? NPC support to MP mode and multiple team support - so you can have 3 or more teams in a CTF or team ffa map, etc and so you can have a group of non bots/non pcs who will act together like a team vs ffa mode ex (group) 3 stormtroopers vs 1 dark jedi vs 1 light jedi vs ugnaught vs lando vs gran or in vehicle MP mode, 3 AT STs vs 1 dark jedi vs 1 light jedi vs ugnaught vs lando


#4 Add models which are in SP but not currently in MP as either MP playable characters, and/or botable characters which copy their ais from SP mode. Ex. Protocol droids, R2 droids, that AT PT thing or droid whatever it is, interrogation droids, etc Add in an error check which would prevent spawning large model bots in confined spaces to prevent crashes. Might be interesting to try to be an interrogation droid - you fly/hover, but no force powers or lightsaber, etc.


#5 Implement more booby trap maps both in SP and MP - I love the trashcompactor/dslaser touches


#6 Bring back the classic dark troopers! Phase 2 + Phase 3


#7 Make all new maps available in FFA. I like the carbonite chamber map for dueling, but I'd also like to play on it in FFA mode... (yes I know its kind of small for FFA but I still want to try it)


#8 add in more MP modes, maybe a cooperative mode? the jedi master idea is a good one and can be expanded into other things. Ex. Kill the guy with the AT ST, etc etc.


Maybe a seeker tag mode. Where the person who is "it" has an indestructible seeker, when they kill someone, the person they killed spawns with the seeker and is "it" until they kill someone. While they have the seeker they can't score points or something along those lines

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