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Routers that work - List


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I wanted to start this because there is no thread that shows a good list of routers that people have gotten to work with JKDFII (just fragments). Here is my experience so far: (I have one static IP I purchesed from my ISP).



1). Purchased a Netgear RP114. I could NOT get this to work (No server . Called tech support and they are just clueless. Yes, opened ports etc...


2). Returned RP114 and got an FR314 from netgear (again). This has more options, but still would not work... tried everything. Other people say they have problems with Netgear.


3). Got tired of Netgear. Some people have gotten certain routers from Netgear to work (Don't know what ones). Returned FR314 and got a Linksys BEFSR41. I forwarded a single port (28070). I though no way this will work... and it did. I could see the server right away on the net!



4). I finally got something back from Netgear "You need to confirm that your game docementation or game suuport people, whether the game requires dynamic port forwarding through the router.

If this is the case then it would not work with netgear router as

netear routers do not support uPnP. "


Im not sure if Jedi uses uPnP (any comments?). But I did not use this option when I set up the Linksys. I just used port forwarding.


Anyway, I hope this helps. Please post your experiences with routers and this game.



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BEFSR11 1-Port Linksys Router WORKS w/ ONLY UDP port 28070 forwarded to the server.


Hey GoofsPij, if that firmware v. is working for you, great. But you should know that Linksys is having people go to the previous version (1.40.2) due to problems with 1.46. (I experienced these problems myself.)

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