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"Valley of the Jedi" forum should be renamed to "Valley of the Whiners" forum


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It seems as if every other thread topic is along the lines of "hvy stance is gay", "my fps sux", "medium stance ruins the game", etc... Do you think people enjoy reading your threads which consist of "wah wah wah"? Well I know I don't. Try and keep your crying to yourself, and post some constructive topics that actually serve a purpose. Instead of whining on the forums, compose an e-mail, asking for a patch to fix your problem.

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whining about whining......


look if you have ever lived thrugh a games release/patch stage, you will know the whineing is a temp. problem.


I will wait and see til post patch. maybe things will be fixed. maybe new whiners will pop up... who knows?:cool:

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Krash, god knows most rational people will agree with your sentiments, but I'm not sure this type of post does any good... the foolish whiney-types tend to dissipate more rapidly if you ignore them utterly in my experience. After all, what are they but attention-seekers? Good hunting. :)

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You think the developers want to get thousands more complaints? I think they get the idea, and a patch is being worked on.


While I agree with you that there are way too many complain threads - I think one designated complaint thread about sabers, force powers, FPS issues would be alot better..

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Originally posted by SPY_jmr1

whining about whining......


look if you have ever lived thrugh a games release/patch stage, you will know the whineing is a temp. problem.


thats why i am still here racking up the posts....



here: :violin: lets have a new violin thread.... the old one was a blast...


might as well through in a "HEY! YOU THERE!":D


I have lived through Tribes 1, Tribes 2, and WCIIIb stages of release/patch, this is not a temp problem, its the community being whining idiots.


note: What do you think racking up the posts does for you?

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Originally posted by Krash


I have lived through Tribes 1, Tribes 2, and WCIIIb stages of release/patch, this is not a temp problem, its the community being whining idiots.


note: What do you think racking up the posts does for you?


post count bit was ment as a joke... looking at it now, it's not very funny and i will edit it out.


I DO beleave that the whiners will be driven off after a time. Its still very soon after release, just over one month.


things might get worse before it get's better, but it will will get better... the SW nuts wont stand for it;) myself among them.



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Originally posted by Abom|nation

You think the developers want to get thousands more complaints? I think they get the idea, and a patch is being worked on.


While I agree with you that there are way too many complain threads - I think one designated complaint thread about sabers, force powers, FPS issues would be alot better..


Good idea.


Also, whoever is responsible for moving threads, should be moving any complaints to 'Game Feedback', imo. :)

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Actually the whining is the main reason I've stopped forum wh0ring. It used to be a great place to come to but now it isn't. I still come by occasionally and try and see what's doing but it hasn't been worth it recently.


And for those who'll think it'll change I've got one word for you:




I honestly hope it doesn't come to that. I'd like to see it go back to the way it was. I know the mods here are good people and won't let it drop to the same levels as TW but there still remains the possibility, however remote.


Me, I love the game, I just don't like a lot of the fourm right now. Except for the mods and mappers section. That part I think rules at the moment. :D

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Very true - Tribalwar.


Hard to believe it's like the central resource for Tribes opinions or that's what the Sierra marketting guy wants to believe - little does he know it's just a place with a bunch of whiney brats and loud mouth insecure children.


I hope the mods check out the Tribalwar forums and come back here with a more strict attitude. :)

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It's because of several factors. One is that people post here instead of in the game feedback or strategy forums about that stuff. Two because there are a lot of sore losers out there, and people who don't understand the issues of game balance (instead, they must win at any cost and anything else is "cheap" or "lame").


Others may have legitimate concerns, but maybe can't express them in the most eloquent way (or get flamed by others all the same). In any case, I sometimes agree, but then, that's the danger of having freedom.. some people will abuse it, right?


; )

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Nothing will ever match the gay of the tribalwar forums! I agree with yal, these "wah" threads should be moved to a new forum, or game feedback. Although I don't consider whining as feedback! The day this turns into a TW forum though, I'm out!

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Newbies who get beat down all the time need to stop whining about how much the game needs to be changed to accomadate how much they suck.


Red stance costs the most points, therefore it pays off by being the best stance. Seems simple to me...


Don't like guns? Use a saber only server. Simple too.


And remember, we all need this bind in our JKII to deal with the constant whining in games.


Bind <key> say Would you like some cheese with that whine?



Ah, I use it all the time.

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Originally posted by Krash


I have lived through Tribes 1, Tribes 2, and WCIIIb stages of release/patch, this is not a temp problem, its the community being whining idiots.


note: What do you think racking up the posts does for you?

whiners make me sick...











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This thread is hilarious, everyone whining about the whiners like SPY_jmr1 said near the top. So now all of you are not just whiners too, but hypocritical whiners.


Hmmm... I'm whining about the whiners who whine about the other whiners... What does that make me..... :eyeraise:

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Hey yall


I've just started playing multiplayer and I love it! But I still don't get why everyone has problems with it. Sure people play cheap and get easy kills off you sometime but that's the way it's supposed to be. If you do something stupid and someone takes advantage of that then so be it. Just suck it up and learn from your mistakes.


I don't get why people whine about heavy stance or how the force powers are unbalanced. There are always ways to counter an opponent. If some guy runs at you with a heavy attack, either kick him before he finishes or move to the side and counter with a medium. simple as that. And with force powers there are always ways to counter being pushed off of a cliff or being stuck in force grip. No matter what an opponent does to you there are always ways around it.


That's my two cents for the day.


I love the game and I have no complaints about it. I think it's fine the way it is.

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