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stupid question......


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couple of basic stupid questions.......

I changed my map a bit to make it alot better...but a couple things i cant get to work



2.....Lighting........ its an outdoor map and i used bsp(nolight) but the map was too bright and it had wierd characteristics... anyone know the best way to light a decent sized outdoor map...and what bsp I should use...

Is there a certain BSP that works better for certain terrain etc? thanks.Y

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Well FastVis(nolight) is basically just for testing your map. It makes everything bright, and no light entities will be displayed. As for lighting your map, you should use a sky shader that emits light. The 'yavin' and 'bespin' sky shaders, among others, don't emit any light, but artus_light, kejim_light, and normallight all emit light (there's more, but I haven't tested them yet), but at different levels of brightness. If you feel your map is finished and you want to do the final compile, then use FullVis(extra).

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