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Netrual Force Strategy by Leelink


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Leelink's Partial Strategy Guide-


For right now I will only provide information on the powers I use and the Defenses I use... If you follow this guide, not only will it make you a better player, but it will give you the advantage to plan your moves and stop other players from not planning their moves and attacking like a dying chicken.


Neutral Force Powers Tactics - My whole strategy is to get my opponent off balance. This is almost a guaranteed kill every time.


Jump - Back kick someone when next to them. Since most people know this, what I do is lure someone into back kicking me and just before they reach me I back peddle and then when they land I can either back kick or slice. If their low on energy I slice, If I know I need a double hit I back kick and hope they fall on their back and move in for the slicing kill. Also I like the move where you cartwheel of the wall. let your opponent run towards you and just as he gets near you do the sidekick of the wall and give him a good slice. another good more is the stafekick and its way under used. Run like your going to run past him and then strafe kick at the last moment. works a lot.. except on some skilled players


Push - Use push as your opponent is running towards you, he must be within about 3 steps. If done right this will knock him on his back and boom you slice and dice. all of these make your opponent think more about how he is going to get in close to attack you. read below and find out why your opponent cannot just run in spamming his moves


Pull - Use pull as your opponent is about to swing and then strafe to the side of him and pull at his feet. If done correctly he will fall on his back every time. this move takes some practice and cannot be done head on. you must strafe you opponent to do the move reliably. then move in for the slice and kill. If you have these mastered just move down to saber skills


Blocking Pull, Push - Face your opponent and do not run, If you face your opponent and you can do the above you have nothing to be scared of. (unless it me) , For those who run I just crouch roll and I'm on the side of you and then before you know it you are on your back, praying I miss. I really cannot say this enough. keep your face to your opponents body, if you fail you will be on your back.


Now by using the tactics above you must think about your moves, because you will now control your opponents moves. He can no longer run in blindly, he can no longer spam the Dfa move, they must now think before they act


Grip - let them grip you. I just run at them and back kick them when their done and they never expect it and complete the combo. Grip doesn't hurt much unless your going to get thrown of a ledge, so why fight it, plus you can still back kick while grabbing your throat when their done gripping you. I think most grippers think your vulnerable because you have your saber down. .


Lightning. - heal twice, then force pull them. and end their life

Drain - push away and then run till you become more skilled. fighting drain is difficult to explain, but it can be done. there are just a lot of variables with a drain whore and how they play.


Saber Forces


Saber Attack - Max this out if you are going to place this way. It will assure the results of the combo.


Saber Defend - I suggest you max this out. it will allow you to stand pretty much still and choose your moves and your opponent spams his saber around you in a circle.


Saber Throw - This is your ending move if you are a light side player. after your opponent has fallen and you have sliced him you will need to do just one saber throw to finish him off. this moves ends the combo and gets most before they heal. Don't wait on this after the slice. do it immediately afterwards and try to aim at their feet.


If your a dark player I suggest your finish with lightning or grip if you don't want to put points into saber throw.


Now, some brief notes

The combo can be countered and really doesn't guarantee a kill on skilled players. they can back kick you as they are getting up or slice you as they are getting up. it depends on there stance and force allocation and latency. these combos work with medium or heavy stance. light stance is unfortunately too weak at this time, unless you can pull off double hit combos when they are down. I don't know, I don't use light stance much.


To counter a DFA move just wait until the player starts to get up and strafe kick them or you can do it head on also, but you have to learn the timing. I cannot tell you in words, because the timing seems to vary, I died a lot learning how to do and now I can counter 8 out of 10 times. No one is perfect : )... If you have some suggestions or want a piece of me just look for Leelink. I can usually be found on a server almost all day on Wednesday and Thursdays and most nights after 9pm eastern time. I believe I have most of you on a buddy lists, so more then likely I will find you first. : )


This Strategy Guide is "Far" from done. Just wanted to post what I have so far.

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I must admit that it works pretty well against anykind of player wheather there are good or not .... ( I tried to copy your play style by using force push when oppenent is closed to you ... and it always worked ... the only bad thing is that when i push him , i push miles away ...( with push lvl 2 ) . But it dam work when pushing against a wall then finish him ...


Legend Of Khaydarin

PS: your strategie ain t suck and could be wayyy better if you could put some guides about light and darkside ... ( few ppl play with only neutral force ...)

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unfortuneately I have not had enought experience with dark or light side forces to give advice in offense, although I do think i have mastered the netrual forces as best I can. I have not decided wether to turn light or dark yet. the path to greatness is a tough choice : )

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Perhaps , maybe i can give you some advice on both sides of the force ....

I ve notice that you use lightside only for the healing skill... you should try to use other force like absorption or mind trick . In this way , you will be more versatile against all type of enemy wheather they are dark are light ...


There is more to xplain , just msg on icq if you want ... Again , I did dam improve my skill with fighting you , i know now when to push enemies very very far.... It s dam impressive and easy to do ...


Legend Of Khaydarin

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