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crashing in the jungle


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Alright here's my system specs


AMD 650

360 Megs Ram

diamond stealth III 32 MB video card


in the jungle stage near the end, it'll load everything just fine...then i'll start playing and two minutes afterwards, the game will crash and go back to my desktop... I can't figure out why, i've tried re installing it, updating my video driver...and it still does it.. i've even set all the options to the lowest video quality... still does it.. any body know what the deal is? Thanks.

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I have the exact same video card, and the exact same problem. I actually came to these forums to see if I could find an answer. For me, its always when the dark jedi show up in the jungle, and specifically their predator-like camoflauge. I have tried to run around them, but whenever they appear on my screen, I crash to windows. Of course, diamond has been no help; I don't think they've released a new driver in ages (besides no longer being in business). The only advice I have seen so far is to set my desktop to 16 bit color to match the game. I'll let you know if that works, I've gone pretty far just to have the dumb thing crash now.

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OK, I did get it working, so far at least, i could fight those 2 jedi without crashing. Not sure exactly what did it tho. I switched to fastest video mode when this started and it didnt help. But I went in and turned about everything off, specifically the shadows, and dynamic lightning. That seemed to do it, at least so far. I didn't mess with sound or wall marks, and am hoping if I get inside a building again I can turn the video back up. I have a feeling it was a mix of the rain and the dark jedi camoflauge that overtaxed this less than stellar video card. Hope you get it working.

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