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Access keys


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I want my door to open with a security key the player must obtain by killing an Imperial officer.


But I don't know how you do it.


And how do I give a security key to an Imperial officer, so it drops when he dies? And intergrate a few keys throughout my map.

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no, it´s not scripting...


I did it this way:

make a npc, add the key "message" with the name you want for the key as value. then make a misc_security_panel and add the same key/message - that´s it ;)

now just link the sec panel with the door and you can open it

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Thanks all for your help.


Yeah, it is a Key "message', and a value. I then looked at the info box and it said:


"message" - if a COMMANDER, turns on his key surface. This is the name of the key you get when you walk over his body. This must match the "message" field of the func_security_panel you want this key to open. Set to "goodie" to have him carrying a goodie key that player can use to operate doors with "GOODIE" spawnflag

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