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Disabling stances & scipting keys?


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I have a problem switching between stances quickly in MP. I usually start out with a medium stance (to help me block projectiles), and then when engaged in a battle, I will switch back & forth between strong & medium as I feel I need it.


Now, when your adrenalin is pumping, switching stance can become problematic in the heat of the battle. Switching from Light to Heavy is easy. Switching from Heavy to medium is a little harder. I find that at times, I hit the saber stance key 3 times instead of two going from strong to medium. Ooops! Or I think I hit it twice and it only hit it once (finger flub).


So, is there a way to completely get rid of the light stance in your "rotation"?


Also, is there a way (or script that I could bind to a keystroke) that would automatically switch me to medium stance when I turn on my lightsaber?


If I am gunning from a distance and then I close that distance or someone else runs up on me, I want to switch to the light saber quickly. I like starting off in medium and then switching to strong as I feel that I need to. The thing is that sometimes if I fight and finish the fight with Strong, then use a gun, when I switch back I am still on Strong and forget to switch stances, etc., etc.





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Originally posted by brain21

Now, when your adrenalin is pumping, switching stance can become problematic in the heat of the battle. Switching from Light to Heavy is easy. Switching from Heavy to medium is a little harder.


Oops! I meant Switching from MEDIUM to HEAVY is easy! D'oh!



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i don't know if you could take light out of the rotation but you can make a key for medium and heavy, but you have to be in a certain stance. to rotate use saberattackcycle or +saberattack cycle (forgot whether you put a + or not) . You can put saberattackcycle 1 to get to the next immediate stance and saberattackcycle 2 to get to the stance after the next immediate stance. I suggest you just play around with that and you will prolly find something fitting. :)

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