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ugh... JKII needs patch please!


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I have to say that I really do love this game. Its very fun multiplayer has kept me playing for a week straight. But there are some glitches that are keeping me from truly enjoying this game.


Im primarily a lightsaber user, but I find my saber passing through the enemy's bodies without incurring damage way too often. This may have to do with lag, but on most servers I get 20-50 ping. I also find myself getting killed by a phantom saber; I dodge an enemy's saber swipe and then suddenly i die. this sucks cause i know i dodged it. This mostly happens on the dfa move that everyone does. This is easily dodged and then i move in to attack FROM BEHIND, and then i suddenly die. This is most distressing, cause its easy to attack a dfa'er from behind and get a few hits before the dfa animation is done to recover.


Single player for me still does not work. Keeps crashing 15 seconds after the first game script executes.


Some force powers in multiplayer games DO NOT WORK. Lightning, drain, and absorb have NEVER worked for me. And ive seen others execute these moves over and over again. And these are on non-holocron games and servers that support the highest jedi powers. I just finished playing a multiplayer game (On 3 different servers) and the only force power that worked for me was pull, NOTHING else worked. Not even saber throw or jump. Thats when i decided to post here, cause im getting sick and tired of these problems.


I've reinstalled several times, but these problems are still not fixed. This game needs patch PRONTO!!!!


- Dedicated player

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Originally posted by NewBJedi

Network card sharing IRQ?


Uhhh... no.


BTW, how would a network card IRQ sharing cause all my problems with the game?


Also, many (if not all) WinXP users will be using ACPI compliant modes and will have their USB, Video, Sound and NIC's all on one IRQ. If this causes problems with JKII, then a lot of people are going to be having problems.


And no, im not using ACPI.


And I've tried nvidia driver versions 23.11, 27.xx, and 28.32


Thanks for the reply.


WinXP 2600

AMD Athlon 1.2 Ghz

NVidia GeForce2 Ultra (Primary Monitor)

ATI Rage 128 (Secondary Monitor)

Game Theater XP

FIC AZ11 KT133 Mainboard

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I need to add one more thing too.


Im on Holocron servers, and I havnt gotten force Jump - OR - Im on servers with no force powers - And whenever I do a small jump, it still takes away force power. WHY?? Probably another thing that needs patched.


- Dedicated player

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