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JKII Patch , will it fix .....


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I read this on http://www.Jediknightii.net


-NewBJedi, one of our fine forum-goers recently sent an email to Kenn Hoekstra from Raven with an idea about changing the stances a little. He recieved a message backing saying the following.


"Consider it forwarded. Just a note: the heavy stance has been tweaked heavily in the pending patch to balance it better."


Patch coming soon to cut down on the number of people incessantly using the 1 hit-kill move? Sounds good. We'll keep you informed. Thanks to NewBJedi for this one.



**Update- Ascari, another forum member sent an email off to Mike Gummelt, another one of our Raven friends about a bug he'd found. He also asked when we could expect the patch to arrive. Mr Gummelt's response...



General idea: very very soon

Could be a day. Could be a week. Keep your eyes peeled.


Thats all pretty cool, but im just wondering about the hole Freeze/Lockup problem. In the Freeze thread alot says it has something to do with once PC and other says a hole diffrent thing, i myself think it has nothing to do with the PC because i did a upgrade on drivers and it didnt help one bit:(

Will this lockup issue be fixed in the upcoming patch:confused:

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