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does a Jar Jar model exist?


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yeh i will nd up doing it if no 1 does.. as i plan to model every charac ter form the movies,(ever1 that no1 has done tio the point of me starting) right now im on obi wan ^_^ and hvae done some of a crappy yoda i plan to never finish cuz it wil lnever get ingame.. i will only model human shaped people.. im going to model chewbacaa, leia, and the jar jar after my obiwan int hat order (order wil lprobably switch,..)

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I want to see jar jar in game. I want to spawn hundreds of jar jars. I want to throw them off bridges and into pits. I want to slice their limbs off and shove them down their throats. I want to eviscerate them, annihilate them, to decimate them. To eradicate them.


I'm a big jar jar binks fan.

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There is a Jar Jar model. Just scroll down on the news page over at Mod Central and you should find a pic with a bunch of Episode 1 models. The guy is looking for a skinnner/animator to help him finish up too.

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The best thing to do to Jar JAr is to grip him and smash him into goo by pounding him into the celing and floor :) Next you would use lighting and watch him squirm in pain :D you could also grip him and jump really high and let him go to fall into a pile of goo. I think that I could spend hours of fun killing him :jarjar::lightning

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You know, it's kind of sad that we all want a Jar Jar model & skin simply so we can kill him....


And yes, I said we 'cause I include myself in that number as well.


How such a minor character ever wound up with such a huge part is completely beyond me...but like any good heel, at least he gets a large crowd reaction! :D

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