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Can I make a mover break a breakable?


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Say I have a train entity that moves from point A to point B. Now I place a breakable entity in the middle of that path. How can I make it so when the train touches the breakable, the breakable explodes?


I tried setting CRUSH_THROUGH and a dmg value on the train, but it just goes right through the breakable as if it were an illusion.



Similarly, I tried with a func_door entity, and set its target to be a breakable entity. It will destroy the breakable, but only after it stops moving.


Any other ideas? Is there a way to get trains or other func entities to activate other stuff?

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Just put another path_corner (they use those in JK2, right?) right in front of where the func_breakable is. Now, if that path_corner is targeted at 'path3' for instance, give the func_breakable a targetname of 'path3', and it should explode as soon as the func_train reaches that path_corner.


Hope that makes sense.

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