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No force powers in duel matches


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I started playing MP today, and my force powers are all configged and bound. I was able to use them during FFA matches, but had no force powers whatsoever on any of the duel servers - even though everyone else did.


Has anybody else experienced this? This is my first visit to the forums and it's painfully obvious that there are lots of bugs and issues people are running into...at least I can play the SP game no problem. Still, the duels are awesome, but without the force I'm at a severe disadvantage. Any help/advice/suggestions would be deeply appreciated.

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Yes I get this all to often, but not just in duels, any other game type for me. Sometimes I can only use force pull, and sometimes i can use a few others. But I have never been able to use absorb, lightning, drain, and grip.


I hope they fix this.


And yes all my keys are rebound.

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If you join a no force server it resets your force powers to nothing but jump 1, and subsequently joining a force server allows you to spend those points again.


However, if you do this and then spawn, you don't get your selected force powers! This is bizarre and might be the problem you are having? If you then try and reconfigure your force powers while spawned in the game (simply remove and then add a point again), then die you respawn with all your force powers again.


Could this be it? I know I've had that, but when I worked out this fixed it I just make sure I check it when I join a new server.

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